Just a little more info on tube testing with REW ..... and 'HV Probe' stuff.
As I described, I have my 'HV Probe' with an attenuation of -26.5dB - a value chosen to offset the overall gain of the 'circuit under test' - thusly to give a reasonably 'normalised REW snapshot' - with the return around the 0dBu (nominal) - easy on the eyes.
I was testing the output of a 'gca + cf' functional block with no real 'loading effects' evident at any attenuation settings.
When I switched to a 'gca' functional block, with the higher output Z - the loading effect of attenuator set to 'minimum attenuation' becomes very noticeable. [the higher attenuation settings are, as usual, quite negligible, for loading]
SO - it is useful to have a CF at the front of the 'HV Probe' ... permanently
The super high input impedance of the CF buffers even the highest output Z of the 'circuit under test'
and the intrinsically low and 'known' THD of the CF doesn't impact typical tube measurements by much ... less than an impedance matching transformer, for example.
Hence, I will do a 'tube active HV Probe' unit .. going forward .. with an 11 position attenuator to really dial in the 'net gain/loss' factor as well as ensuring that loading effects stay well and truly in-the-box.
It's worthwhile to do because I already have the remote PSU completed and in use for my 'Tube Test Rig'
I'm thinking to try an 'Aikido' type CF circuit ... perhaps now that I've got my basic tube performance 'in the zone' I will be able to measure a difference over say a White CF circuit, which would be my usual choice.
OF course it means another 'investigation' to do ... which tube is best for a CF ?
Experience tells me that (again) the 6922 may be best ... at least for input voltage swings that don't get too large.
For measurements with several hundred volts swing ... it will need something with a really high B+ ... I think about 375V is my limit with this rig ... I would say a JJ 6V6 or even two

in triode mode could be a good choice ... for a 'measurement CF'.
At least, after the CF stage, the 'attenuation' is fairly easy to make .. a combination of 'fixed' and 'variable' resistive attens in series, I would think ... and also some nfb could do the job I hope .....
As soon as I finish this '6922' and 'E83F' comparison, I'm going to get right on it.
The other thing I need to figure out, is how to 'interpret' the changes in THD when switching from a 'higher attenuation' setting to a 'lower attenuation' setting on my passive 'HV Test Probe'.
ie. I can track the gain changes etc perfectly, but I do see a difference in THD which I can't account for.
eg. the -26.5 dB atten shows higher THD than the -37dB atten
It's not the analyser ... as far as I can tell
ie. normally if a signal is a bit too low in amplitude, then THD is reported some little amount higher, until a certain level, then no further.
It's not the 'circuit under test' it's a 'poor analyzer signal-noise ratio' kind of thing.
BUT this is something else - I think it's just that the 'lighter loading' of the attenuator when at 'high atten settings' means lower THD (despite the overall increase in level).
When using a 'lower attenuation', the loading is 'higher' and so the THD is also higher.
Once I have some more data with the 'CF buffered' HV Test Probe, I should figure it out.
Early indications are that once 'loading effects' are reduced to a minimum, the THD should be reasonably steady at differing atten settings.
Hopefully, the 'fixed high input Z' of the CF will not also increase my 'noise floor' too much!
Measurement is a deep, deep well .. you can drop hundreds of hours in it before hearing an echo