Triggering capabilities are quite impressive - with a musical transient (like a plucked guitar string) it is superb .. the REW 'Scope functionality captures the transient amplitude envelope brilliantly ... and seems to use intelligent display choices to give a nice 'stationary' snapshot .. combined with pretty fast 'trigs/updates/refreshes/historicals' on tap, it makes for a very usable scope indeed.
I can't say I've seen such a 'great handling' analog waveform display on a pc before, that so much does 'what I wan't to see' (and not think about)
Sort of combines 'real time' updating, triggering and hold functions together with 'history' in a lovely way.
I could use a 'REW Gate with Hysteresis' audio plug in right now ;D
Looking forward to checking out my 'limiter' builds' transient performance with this .. on the 192KHz sampling rate.
May finally 'see' some real action for my '660 type fastest attack setting
I can surely see a lot of potential for this tech in top shelf daw plugins, no doubt!
I love the fine and responsive control for the vertical amplitude scales ... very snappy and updates the displays just like you expect.
I'm yet to check the 'Scope against my bench CRO, meters and such, but given REW's historical penchant for superb accuracy, I expect the 'mV/div' displays will be accurate to a very high level of confidence.
Ditto for the control on the horizontal time scale ... time 'zoom' is super responsive.
Not to mention, is the nice overall 'sizing' that is available for the main 'Scope window .... again working just as you expect, refreshing the trace(s) accordingly, as you really open up the window ... on the big screen
Love the 'draggable' vertical and horizontal display 'position offset' thingies too ... seriously cool.
And the 'mouse scroll wheel' on the horizontal time display is a 'pro' touch.
As is the 'dragging' of the whole display on the vertical amplitude scale ... I mean, wow.
Last but not least, some 'cursors' ... I can see some for the horizontal timebase, complete with read-out of measurements of different types (period, frequency) ... super great.
However, not seeing any measurement cursors for the vertical scale or readout of such, but can't expect the moon in just one release update now, can we ?
[ that would be the piece-de-resistance both in this new 'Scope functionality ... and how great it could be in the 'RTA' section too ]
UPDATED : found it! The vertical cursor function is there and it's brilliant 8) 8) 8)
The 'Snapshot' capability looks to be good ... for a first glance .. some editability .. although for serious annotation, I like post-processing the snap with a really good 'snap' app ..
I like 'Snagit' on my win pc, with 'after edits' of the filename to indicate the baseline conditions and what nots .. for posterity .. 'the ages'

.. kind of like 'poorman cvs'
One other thing, I need to check, but my impression is that there is also an improvement in the 'RTA' application ... I fancy that the occasional 'buffer glitch' I would always see is no longer evident.
Have to check that out some more, over a couple of different installs, however ... I can be optimistic and say I'm not getting it here at all. I'm using a 3yr old pc : amd cpu, fx 8 core 16 gb ram, ssd system drive with win7-64
So far, Mr Mulcahy and REW Team don't disappoint - what a cracking update, is this 'Scope' functionality 8) 8)
Sheer brilliance