Rock Band 2

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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
Hatboro, Pennsylvania
I got my girlfriend rock band 2 for Christmas today. I also got her the usb mic. She's not a good singer but I record her sometimes for fun. She tries real hard...

This game seems to have a pitch sensor for vocals. Anyone every seen it? Will it train her vocals? Or is it close enough will win the game lol. I have no clue...
Rock Band and Guitar Hero do continuous pitch analysis on the vocal input and compare it to the pitch of the game's vocal line. If you are singing within a tolerance that depends upon the level of difficulty you are playing at, you are succeeding, otherwise you are failing. Rhythmic accuracy is good, but the games don't (can't) take the actual words into account - you can sing "la la la" and you will score the same as singing the actual lyrics.

The algorithms don't take octave into account, so you can sing a line an octave lower or higher than the original, and it still counts.


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