drjoe said:
sr1200 said:
sr1200 said:
actually, check that your caps are not backwards also...
All of my caps are are in proper polarity. Diodes all check out the same (Using diode function mode testing .600 - .699 in one direction and 1. in the other direction) without de-soldering one leg. Is removing one leg necessary to test my diodes if they all test similarly?
I'm getting either +/-12VDC or +/-15VDC or both on all of my op amps. I also get one leg of each op amp with a small voltage that corresponds to a control on the front panel. I'm pretty sure my power is getting everywhere nice and clean.
My bargraph is not lighting up with the -20db signal being fed, but lights up during power-up/down. No change in the signal to my DAW no matter what I change on the front panel.
Any other tests I can do to rule out issues?
Drjoe -
1) Is the unit passing audio in both bypass and engaged modes?
2) Is makeup gain working?
3) Did you jumper the resistor by the threshold pot that says "47K or jump"?
If your makeup gain is working, this might be a case of you're not feeding it a loud enough signal and/or you didn't jumper the resistor mentioned. You say -20db but you don't say db
what. If you're talking -20dbu, that's way too low of a signal, and the bargraph wouldn't light up, and you probably wouldn't be able to get her to compress either (even if you did jumper the resistor)