drjoe said:
Now I'm trying to calibrate the unit and I'm getting different levels between channels. When adjusting unity gain, I can match my DAW with the Left side, but my Right unity control at VR1 is maxed out and I'm getting almost +10db when I engage the compressor. Both VR1 and VR2 have the same value between wipers, but I notice the label on the top of the trimpots is different between them. One says VR1 says 54U and VR2 says 545. They came in the same bag labelled as 50k trimpots but I'm thinking the labeling means there is a mistake.
+10db probably being +10dB digital full scale, calibrated to whatever level. VR1 and VR2 have the same value
at whatever ohm reading between their start and wipers would give you a clue what you might be missing (wipers are at virtual ground). If you had these trimmers installed without their pretrim value as adviced from pg.1 of the assembly document and the schematic, but wiper towards their zero ohm setting, you might have blown one or both audio VCAs.
With your mains wire disconnected and keeping your trimmers soldered in circuit for measurement, pull out your audio VCAs U11 and U17 and dial in the trimmers resistance to 30K by measuring ohms between trimmer VR1-pin1 or TP10 and audio-VCA U17-pin1 for the right-side and between trimmer VR2-pin1 or TP8 and audio-VCA U11-pin1 for the left-side.
Put the VCAs back in. You might have been lucky and they survived, if this was the initial reason for misbehaviour.
Double check
all resistor values (there might be more mixed up), especially around U3, U12, U8 and U5, U18, U4.
Double check your jumper settings to match your type of VCAs.
Reconnect your mains wire and try calibrating again.