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2nd amendment? The democrats are the best gun salesmen ever... I can't imagine living in a modern city like NYC or Chicago without protection, while the law probably makes it difficult for honest citizens to arm themselves.

Not just honest citizens, all citizens. Even smart ones. Carrying a handgun is more likely to get you killed than protect you. Everyone is close together in a city. Draw a gun, flip the safety, aim and shoot. You’re dead already.
Lately I am getting advice about how to behave during gun fights in democratic cities. My personal strategy is just to avoid those cities for now, until they restore police to being back in charge of the streets. I hope none of you are speaking from personal experience trading gunfire. (I only shot at human targets in the army, not humans).

I grew up in north Jersey just outside NYC, I lived in Boston back in the 60s... Of course there were a few less guns on the street back then.

I am a little disappointed in Mayor Adam's slow progress in NYC but he has to overcome a bunch of inertia.


PS: Perhaps amusing how Amazon picked Seattle over NYC and ended up pulling workers because of safety concerns. :rolleyes:
Lately I am getting advice about how to behave during gun fights in democratic cities. My personal strategy is just to avoid those cities for now...
Yet, you often comment how bad these cities are, only based on information that you yourself say is pushed on society to divide us. Try spending some time in a couple of these places before regurgitating the blood designed to chum the waters of society, provided by the news sources you choose.
(I only shot at human targets in the army, not humans).
If I understand you correctly, I am unable to perceive any difference. While I would avoid that situation at all costs, even in an insubordinate way, one could always claim bone/heel spurs...MAGA.
I grew up in north Jersey just outside NYC, I lived in Boston back in the 60s... Of course there were a few less guns on the street back then.
A few? Nothing like a complete lack and dissolution of almost all gun regulations. I wonder where all these guns are coming from...🤔
PS: Perhaps amusing how Amazon picked Seattle over NYC and ended up pulling workers because of safety concerns. :rolleyes:
Even more amusing is how much you cause me to read sometimes. In doing so, I discovered that most of those 1800 employees technically aren't being relocated. They were already "out of office" due to pandemic mitigation. They're just not currently returning. Even MORE amusing is the tax break Amazon is benefitting from by not having these employees working in Seattle "proper". I wonder if someone is being pitted against another by the powers that be? Even better, as the tax revenue shrinks, so does the funding for the law enforcement in the city. What a conundrum.
Despite the terrifying news coverage its not much different than it was when Disneyfication was in full effect.

I know quite a few people who don’t feel safe traveling in the deep south.
Despite the terrifying news coverage its not much different than it was when Disneyfication was in full effect.
the statistics suggest otherwise... I am not F'n afraid of cities, I just see no reason to go there... I spent plenty of time in Chicago, NYC, etc. Back when I was working several trade shows a year. I just don't do that anymore.

I recall years ago walking home one night through less than the best section of the french quarter, when an undercover New Orleans police officer stopped me and suggested that I should not walk there alone, at night (a friend had found us a cheap rental in the wrong doubt why it was so cheap).
I know quite a few people who don’t feel safe traveling in the deep south.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: I moved to the deep south several decades ago and very few of my immediate relatives ever managed to visit me here... My brother stayed overnight once when he was driving his car through the state (MS was half way to where he was going), and my mama (RIP) visited once because she was my mama...

I am pretty comfortable living here but not for the reasons you all will likely imagine (enjoy letting your fantasies run wild).

As I believe I shared recently Jackson MS is one of the most dangerous cities in US...

I don't live in a city, murder rate in Hickory is relatively low...

Crime is up nationwide. I’d like to see the murder rate increase in Mississippi compared to NYC. There are more people in NYC than in the state of Mississippi. I wonder if someplace bad like NYC is worse than someplace good like Mississippi?
I am surely repeating myself, the homicide rate in multiple cities (Jackson MS included) are at record highs. While Jackson is is only 60 miles away I don't follow local politics there. I do see more criticism of NYC's prosecutor (Alvin Bragg) in the news.

Its a little ironic how we were enjoying a falling crime trend and for years the left cited those improving statistics to defend proposed social justice/policy changes. I am even suspicious about another trend of downgrading numerous felonies to misdemeanors which will by definition reduce subsequent crime stats. Apparently you can't downgrade murders to misdemeanors so we are now logging record homicide rates.

Why would crime be increasing now (Covid, Putin, Trump)? Remarkably in some cities that are experiencing rising crime rates some responsibility is being shifted onto victims.
WWW said:
Embattled Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, facing surging crime in his jurisdiction, released a video this week with tips on how residents can try to discourage thieves from stealing their cars.
Gascon is one of several high profile prosecutors in the news.


PS: I am not sure why I am constantly called on to defend MS, but I chose to continue living here.... Mainly because I'm cheap and settled in. At least the constant criticism causes me to re-examine my choices.
  1. St. Louis, Missouri
  2. Jackson, Mississippi
  3. Detroit, Michigan
  4. New Orleans, Louisiana
  5. Baltimore, Maryland
  6. Memphis, Tennessee
  7. Cleveland, Ohio
  8. Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  9. Kansas City, Missouri
  10. Shreveport, Louisiana
Top ten most dangerous cities in America. I guess the sky is falling...just not where right-wing media says it is. Notice only 2 cities are even in swing states. Keep those guns coming. End all social rehabilitation programs. All of these states have primarily Republican legislatures. Obviously NOT working or the way to vote if you're truly concerned about crime.
Yet, you often comment how bad these cities are, only based on information that you yourself say is pushed on society to divide us. Try spending some time in a couple of these places before regurgitating the blood designed to chum the waters of society, provided by the news sources you choose.
You do have access to crime stats, yes? I've traveled the NYC subway system extensively for the past few decades and crime has most definitely increased dramatically in the last couple of years. You're a fool if you believe otherwise.
I do and I post them. Do you read them? Waiting for your per Capita info.
keep waiting
Just imagine how many brown babies could be eliminated if conservatives embraced instead eliminated abortion rights. What a world it could be...🤔
That's pretty ugly, lets try to keep this out of the gutter.

You do have access to crime stats, yes? I've traveled the NYC subway system extensively for the past few decades and crime has most definitely increased dramatically in the last couple of years. You're a fool if you believe otherwise.

Yes it has. I’m wondering if the crime stats in a mostly rural state with a smaller overall population than NYC is better, worse or the same?
I do and I post them. Do you read them? Waiting for your per Capita info.

Just imagine how many brown babies could be eliminated if conservatives embraced instead eliminated abortion rights. What a world it could be...🤔
What the fuck are you even talking about? My comment was about the rise in crime in NYC.

Tribalism? Take a deep breath dude.
Yes it has. I’m wondering if the crime stats in a mostly rural state with a smaller overall population than NYC is better, worse or the same?
That's a good question. I'd imagine crime stats are up just about everywhere unfortunately. I'm not in a rural area but they're up in my area most certainly due to the proximity to Newark, NJ.
keep waiting
Not sure if that's a passive aggressive comment thrown in my direction but I spent a good chunk of my adult life working and spending time in NYC. The rise in crime is palpable, I do hope something changes. Per capita stats? Who cares, the place is a mess.
Not sure if that's a passive aggressive comment thrown in my direction but I spent a good chunk of my adult life working and spending time in NYC. The rise in crime is palpable, I do hope something changes. Per capita stats? Who cares, the place is a mess.
It wasn't referring to you... in fact I quoted the person I was responding to which should prevent such confusion.

I grew up outside NYC but moved away back in the 60s. I still pay above average attention to NY city and state politics because so much media is based there that it receives extra ink. I remain optimistic about Mayor Adams, but he is playing against a stacked deck.


special announcement .... people please stop reporting posts to the moderators and admin that do not overtly break the forum's limited rules.

the closest rule to applying here is

rule#4 said:
4. You will find that the members of this community are courteous and respectful of each other, so please reciprocate those gestures. Leave the flame-war mentality at another forum. Personal attacks and generally hateful comments (regarding race, religion, gender, sex, etc...) will not be tolerated.

I am hearing lots of "generally hateful comments" that are aimed broadly at partisan groups but not at specific individuals. I guess we could enforce that rule a little more broadly to reduce all the offensive partisan attacks (while predict some people think I am making offensive broad partisan attacks). In the meantime please stop pinging the moderators so frequently.


PS: I started this thread to inspect political talking points to maybe inform and educate from a calm quiet place, not to participate in the partisan enmity. The latter seems to be all we are getting. If this does not clean up, the logical response is to lock this thread, while I doubt that will stop the partisan conflict. At least this way it is kept in a tidy pile and not corrupting every single thread.
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