jackies said:Are you using LL1517 both on input and output?
thanks very much... this was the hint. I replaced the 24 24 trafo with a 30 30 the hum/buzz is gone. It wasn't a ground loop the toroid was to stressed.wmtunate said:Are you sure it's ground hum? I had a similar problem because of voltage sag dropping the PSU out of regulation, causing a buzz/hum. That would be consistent with you having to run both boards before it starts. What are your toroid specs?
I'm planning to stick to the original 6 positions (instead of 9) on the Recovery switch. I've been comparing the original EMI schematic to the TG1 build version and the resistors on the switch are similar in value in most positions on each schm. My question is regarding what to do with the positions I'll be leaving out.
On the TG1 build schematic the unused positions (10 & 11) on the 12 position Recovery switch run off to 2 resistors; R208 and R205. Should I do the same with the empty positions I will have after using 6 of the intended 9 positions? BTW, position 12 on the schematic is not connected to anything at all. Why is this? I would appreciate some help on what I should do with the 3 empty spots I'll be creating by going down to 6. Thanks.