That Thomas guy

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I am sure if you bothered to look you would find something to it's equal.
I really think if there were something equal on the left, the right wing media would be screaming it from the rooftops. But if it makes you feel better to imagine that "both sides do it," as the kids say, then go right on ahead with your imagining.
Being wealthy is not automatically evil (schmuck?)... Having wealthy friends does not make you evil by association. I was never hired by a poor businessman.

Why not celebrate that the gift reporting rules have been tightened up? I suspect by now if there was actual evidence of SCOTUS votes being influenced by the two decades of shared vacations that would be in large print, instead of just inferring that some quid pro quo occurred, because the guy has FU money and shares with multiple friends on luxurious vacations.
It appears that pedaling influence is actually the family business for many established beltway residents. There are examples of this in the news, (perhaps not in your news).

I really think if there were something equal on the left, the right wing media would be screaming it from the rooftops. But if it makes you feel better to imagine that "both sides do it," as the kids say, then go right on ahead with your imagining.
I am sure they have found things at some point. This is just the latest. Must be hard to ride the high horse all the time
How forgiving you are when it's one of your side...

Blindness caused by polarisation. Maybe this is natural?
I was never hired by a poor businessman.
Are you suggesting that Justice Thomas was "hired" by Mr. Crow? I don't know that that's the exact relationship here, but it's a metaphor I can accept. (Honestly, I'd say Mr. Crow has behaved more like a Supreme Court lobbyist, which is to my thinking a rather disturbing notion in itself. The way you yourself describe thir relationship sounds very much like the pleadings of a corrupt politician who is way too cozy with a lobbyist: "He's my friend, and he's just very generous." That's how relationships like this are cultivated--the golf trip, the ski resort, the superyacht. They're friends, you see--just friends. But people have a tendency to reciprocate a friend's generosity, don't they--even if they can't do it with superyachts and extravagant vacations.)

I am sure they have found things at some point.

Enlighten me. I cannot think of anything even remotely similar from a left-leaning Justice. Now Scalia, on the other hand, was all about these ethically dubious relationships...
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Are you suggesting that Justice Thomas was "hired" by Mr. Crow?
come on....
I don't know that that's the exact relationship here, but it's a metaphor I can accept.
it has been described as a family friendship, you are trying to twist this into something corrupt.
as compared to?
I'd say Mr. Crow has behaved more like a Supreme Court lobbyist, which is to my thinking a rather disturbing notion in itself.
The rules were tightened up to prevent any appearance of impropriety... the old "holier than Caesar's wife" philosophy applies to the judiciary.
The way you yourself describe thir relationship sounds very much like the pleadings of a corrupt politician who is way too cozy with a lobbyist: "He's my friend, and he's just very generous." That's how relationships like this are cultivated--the golf trip, the ski resort, the superyacht. They're friends, you see--just friends. But people have a tendency to reciprocate a friend's generosity, don't they--even if they can't do it with superyachts and extravagant vacations.)
over 25 years he is running a long con, or just enjoys his (their) company. I am not as good at mind reading as you, but I suspect he may be showing off his famous high profile "friend" to his other acquaintances.
Enlighten me. I cannot think of anything even remotely similar from a left-leaning Justice. Now Scalia, on the other hand, was all about these ethically dubious relationships...
You mentioned corrupt politicians, I can imagine that there are lots of them. For just one data point to chew on, the Treasury department has flagged over 150 Biden family "suspicious activity" bank reports. Does anybody here even have one Treasury red flag? Or know anybody with them? Now that the republican house has subpoena power the public may finally learn more details about those transactions.

The political scrum is not as much left vs right, as insiders vs outsiders.

For just one data point to chew on, the Treasury department has flagged over 150 Biden family "suspicious activity" bank reports. Does anybody here even have one Treasury red flag? Or know anybody with them?

A BPI study found that, in 2017, a sample of the largest banks reviewed approximately 16 million alerts, filed over 640,000 SARs, and received feedback from law enforcement on a median of 4% of those SARs. Ultimately, this means that 90-95% of the individuals that banks report on were likely innocent.

Survey participants are employing over 915 individuals, investing roughly $173 million, and utilizing 3 to 6 I.T. systems at each institution to assist them with U.S.-based sanctions compliance, yet when screening wires and customer and related party accounts for potential OFAC matches, institutions reported true matches with an overall median of 0.00004%, with some institutions reporting no true customer matches at all.

(An OFAC alert is a notification that appears on a consumer's credit report and tells the lender that the consumer's name matches a name on the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list. The SDN list includes names of suspected terrorists, drug traffickers, money launderers and arms dealers who are prohibited from doing business in the United States.)
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A BPI study found that, in 2017, a sample of the largest banks reviewed approximately 16 million alerts, filed over 640,000 SARs,
2021 numbers indicate there are 250M US citizens age 18+. 640k/250M is 390. On average 0.25% of American adults had a SARS filing.

and received feedback from law enforcement on a median of 4% of those SARs. Ultimately, this means that 90-95% of the individuals that banks report on were likely innocent.

5% of 150 is 7.5. Odds are that at least some of these SARS are real problems.
Suspicious Activity Reporting is a Subjective Affair

The decision making process for filing a Suspicious Activity Report is inherently subjective in nature. As such financial institutions need to review each suspicious activity or transaction on a case-by-case basis when determine whether or not to conduct suspicious activity reporting

In the event of any of the below activities / scenario, a financial institution is required to perform suspicious activity reporting:

  • The financial services firm identifies or has reasons to suspect violation of a federal criminal law, and has substantial reason to believe that one of its employees, agents, executives, directors, contractor, officers, or affiliate has committed or aided in the commission of the federal violation.
  • The financial services firm identifies or has reasons to suspect violation of a federal criminal law, for which there is an actual or possible loss to the bank (before reimbursement or recovery) that in aggregate totals $5,000 or more, and for which the bank has substantially identified one or more possible suspects.
  • The financial services firm identifies or has reasons to suspect violation of a federal criminal law, for which there is an actual or possible loss to the bank (before reimbursement or recovery) that in aggregate totals $5,000 or more, and for which the bank no substantial basis for identifying one or more possible suspects.
  • A banking activity or transaction(s) was conducted at the financial firm (with aggregate value of at least $5,000) and:
    • The financial institution suspects the transaction or group of transactions to involve funds that have been derived from illegal / illicit / money laundering activities.
    • The financial institution suspects the transaction or group of transactions to be structured transactions (transactions that are designed to evade Currency Transaction Reporting requirements)
    • The financial institution believes that the transaction or group of transactions have no real business or lawful purposes
    • The financial institution believes that the type transaction or group of transactions have substantially diverted from the expected transaction type of the customer

link to more general info SAR Filing Requirements | Suspicious Activity Reporting Requirements – AdvisoryHQ


There may be innocent explanations for all the flagged activity, I am ready to hear them. 150 red flags seems like a lot of smoke for there to be no fire. Of course they are innocent until proved guilty.

To save you the trouble...

Deutsche Bank anti-money laundering personnel reportedly recommended turning over information about transactions by entities owned by President Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to a government watchdog in 2016 and 2017, but the bank’s executives apparently declined to do so.

The real estate development business can involve large suspicious looking transactions. This was reported in the news at the time, and again in 2019.

Unproven imaginative speculation about Hunter's financial dealings is somewhat different from what looks like the groundwork for future quid pro quo on the part of Harlan Crow for influence over a SCOTUS justice.

Of course, we do have some of Hunter's dick pics. Maybe we wouldn't if we could get the FDA to rescind approval for sildenafil (Viagra) and the like - it is certainly more dangerous than mifepristone.

Risk of death by taking Viagra — used to treat erectile dysfunction — is nearly 10 times greater, according to a study cited in the amicus brief filed by the FDA
Unproven imaginative speculation about Hunter's financial dealings is somewhat different from what looks like the groundwork for future quid pro quo on the part of Harlan Crow for influence over a SCOTUS justice.
Nothing more imaginative than a "future quid pro quo"....
Of course, we do have some of Hunter's dick pics. Maybe we wouldn't if we could get the FDA to rescind approval for sildenafil (Viagra) and the like - it is certainly more dangerous than mifepristone.
Risk of death by taking Viagra — used to treat erectile dysfunction — is nearly 10 times greater, according to a study cited in the amicus brief filed by the FDA
Rowe vs Wade continues to resonate and energize the left. Different states are taking different approaches, part of our system's grand design.

Unproven imaginative speculation about Hunter's financial dealings is somewhat different from what looks like the groundwork for future quid pro quo on the part of Harlan Crow for influence over a SCOTUS justice.
Gee, how old is Clarence Thomas? How much future do you think there is? If there's evidence of past corruption provide data. He's had 20+ years. Talk about speculation.

Of course, we do have some of Hunter's dick pics. Maybe we wouldn't if we could get the FDA to rescind approval for sildenafil (Viagra) and the like - it is certainly more dangerous than mifepristone.
The hookers, drugs, felony gun possession (and dumping) are just the way he spends his corrupt gains. That's the real problem you carefully avoided mentioning. Influence peddling. It's a thing.

Risk of death by taking Viagra — used to treat erectile dysfunction — is nearly 10 times greater, according to a study cited in the amicus brief filed by the FDA
No one cares about that stuff. Maybe it excites you, but the problem is large payments for...nothing but influence via Joe. The Big Guy. The Chairman.
Can’t or won’t even try?
Your bias shows. I get it.
I'd think since you're the one who claims this sort of ethically challenged behavior exists among the left-leaning Justices that you'd have something to back up that opinion, but you don't. All you have is your wishful thinking. If you want to make these claims, be prepared to back them up. It is not my job to help you support your deranged right-wing fantasies.
over 25 years he is running a long con,
Yes. Look at the Federalist Society. Very much a long con. They have spent decades grooming judges, cultivating influence among politicians, etc. in order to get the extremist Supreme Court (and others like that sh!tweasel in Texas) bent to their will. Crow is just another part of that right-wing plutocratic influence machine.

Crow is not friends with Thomas and his cultist wife because they're awesome people; he lavishes them with gifts because of Thomas's position, not because of his winning personality.

And you continue to ignore the fact that Thomas used to do the right thing and report these gifts until someone actually noticed these lavish gifts. If there's nothing improper about the relationship, why did Thomas choose to hide it?