That Thomas guy

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Yes. Look at the Federalist Society. Very much a long con. They have spent decades grooming judges, cultivating influence among politicians, etc. in order to get the extremist Supreme Court (and others like that sh!tweasel in Texas) bent to their will. Crow is just another part of that right-wing plutocratic influence machine.
Originalism isn't extreme. "Living Document" Reinterpretistas are.

Crow is not friends with Thomas and his cultist wife because they're awesome people; he lavishes them with gifts because of Thomas's position, not because of his winning personality.
According to whom? And what has Crow gotten from this friendship? Bragging rights?

And you continue to ignore the fact that Thomas used to do the right thing and report these gifts until someone actually noticed these lavish gifts. If there's nothing improper about the relationship, why did Thomas choose to hide it?
He's not an extrovert and prefers privacy. Why unecessarily open your life up so 2-bit leftwing "reporters" can sling mud if the (previous) rules didn't require it? But keep spinning "vast rightwing conspiracies" like Hillary liked to do.
Yes. Look at the Federalist Society. Very much a long con. They have spent decades grooming judges, cultivating influence among politicians, etc. in order to get the extremist Supreme Court (and others like that sh!tweasel in Texas) bent to their will. Crow is just another part of that right-wing plutocratic influence machine.

Crow is not friends with Thomas and his cultist wife because they're awesome people; he lavishes them with gifts because of Thomas's position, not because of his winning personality.

And you continue to ignore the fact that Thomas used to do the right thing and report these gifts until someone actually noticed these lavish gifts. If there's nothing improper about the relationship, why did Thomas choose to hide it?
He researched it with some peers and was advised that it could be excluded... of course he didn't want to be embarrassed (duh).
Regarding "future quid pro quo" when foreign countries invest in hope of some future payback, it's called "elite capture". They have been doing this for decades and are pretty sophisticated. They do not give gifts directly to the captured target, but instead shower his family with largess to avoid the appearance of a transaction. Countries like China are so sophisticated with their elite capture programs that the captured elites are allowed to publicly bad mouth their beneficiary, as long as they quietly support the right way when it counts.

"Red Handed" by Peter Schweizer explains how this game works and suggests that the larger Biden family has received some $30M from China, but finger prints will not implicate President Biden, by design.

You know what I meant. No one cares about Hunter's sex addiction except that it is indicative of his general immorality.
Well, no I didn't because you responded to a link that had nothing to do with Hunter - guess you didn't read it. There's nothing to support that Hunter's actions had any influence on his father, just as there's nothing to support that Crow has had any influence on Thomas' decisions.
some peers
He was exceedingly vague about whom he might have spoken to, as I've noted already. Did he have one of his eager law clerks write a short brief to excuse his conduct? Did he speak to someone involved with SCOTUS or some other court? Did he confer with the Justice of the Peace in Thunderbolt, Georgia? We simply don't know.
Or perhaps no one would care about his morality one way or the other if it weren't for the dick pics.
Nice try. It isn't the pics, it's the millions of dollars for "services" he has no ability to provide. From Burisma to CEFC. What was actually provided in exchange for these funds which were distributed among Biden family members?
He was exceedingly vague about whom he might have spoken to, as I've noted already. Did he have one of his eager law clerks write a short brief to excuse his conduct? Did he speak to someone involved with SCOTUS or some other court? Did he confer with the Justice of the Peace in Thunderbolt, Georgia? We simply don't know.
He's not required to reveal who his friends and confidants are just because of conspiracy theorists' curiosity.
Well, no I didn't because you responded to a link that had nothing to do with Hunter - guess you didn't read it. There's nothing to support that Hunter's actions had any influence on his father, just as there's nothing to support that Crow has had any influence on Thomas' decisions.
I responded to your weak deflection attempt. Hunter's sex addiction and drug problems are sordid side-shows to the blatant influence peddling which is the real story.
He's not required to reveal who his friends and confidants are
No. It's about the lavish gifts those friends give him. Whether the superyacht trips give certain people an opportunity to bend Thomas's ear, and whether or not those conversations affect his votes, it appears improper, and it provides an opportunity for certain wealthy parties to exert undue influence on a member of the nation's highest court.

The situation reeks. Thomas is culpable for willfully hiding these outlandish gifts, which certainly deserved the scrutiny he assiduously shielded them from.
I'd think since you're the one who claims this sort of ethically challenged behavior exists among the left-leaning Justices that you'd have something to back up that opinion, but you don't. All you have is your wishful thinking. If you want to make these claims, be prepared to back them up. It is not my job to help you support your deranged right-wing fantasies.
Nor is it my job to indulge yours. Until there is proof the law has been broken, I don’t care who justice Thomas hangs with or spends time with on their yacht. Sorry I mean super yacht. I have no fantasy or wishful thinking in which the left break the law and get caught. No, that does not mean I think Justice Thomas broke any laws. Don’t get that twisted in your head. if anything my wishful thinking is that anyone from either side of the isle in positions of authority be on the up and up, but clearly that doesn’t happen.
Now since you seem to want to say guilty guilty guilty, what is Thomas exactly guilty of?
No. It's about the lavish gifts those friends give him. Whether the superyacht trips give certain people an opportunity to bend Thomas's ear, and whether or not those conversations affect his votes, it appears improper, and it provides an opportunity for certain wealthy parties to exert undue influence on a member of the nation's highest court.
I was responding to your assertions that he did not reveal who had advised him about reporting the trips. He's not required to tell you or anyone else who's advice he seeks or takes. Much of the Biden administration appears improper but you aren't concerned about any of it.

The situation reeks. Thomas is culpable for willfully hiding these outlandish gifts, which certainly deserved the scrutiny he assiduously shielded them from.
Prior reporting requirements say otherwise regardless of what you or I think about it.
Prior reporting requirements say otherwise regardless of what you or I think about it.
No. Thomas's interpretation of those rules was what said otherwise. He decided, after consulting a noted judge from the nation's leading wet t-shirt contests, that it was cool to stop reporting the info because he was starting to get heat for all the lavish gifts that he had been reporting.

It was just, like, his opinion, man, that he was following the rules. Because, you know, people were getting uptight about the superyachts and whatnot.
No. Thomas's interpretation of those rules was what said otherwise. He decided, after consulting a noted judge from the nation's leading wet t-shirt contests, that it was cool to stop reporting the info because he was starting to get heat for all the lavish gifts that he had been reporting.

It was just, like, his opinion, man, that he was following the rules. Because, you know, people were getting uptight about the superyachts and whatnot.
The worth of your opinion is duly noted. After being hounded by aggressive leftwing press he found that he was not required to report what he was being hounded about. In other words, he found that he had no obligation to report these private activities.

I remember watching his confirmation hearings. Even the much milder press of that era had a hard-on to see him Borked. He didn't back down. I leaned more left in those days, but even I sensed something was screwy with the whole thing. The left can't stand an independent-minded successful black man for some reason.
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No. Thomas's interpretation of those rules was what said otherwise. He decided, after consulting a noted judge from the nation's leading wet t-shirt contests, that it was cool to stop reporting the info because he was starting to get heat for all the lavish gifts that he had been reporting.

It was just, like, his opinion, man, that he was following the rules. Because, you know, people were getting uptight about the superyachts and whatnot.
Yes. Interpretation… For something like this; as simple as it gets! Again. This is stupid… Just as designed! Leave it to a lawyer and polarized-politics to defend such non-sense.
I wasn't there, but reportedly he asked people in the same gig...

Now it doesn't much matter since the exemption he used has been closed.

This makes absolutely no sense. See above at #55. Also, why does it not matter anymore? Just because it was changed? What has changed to make it OK (not reporting) before and not anymore? Appearance is a concern now but wasn’t? As simple as that? Or?
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This makes absolutely no sense. See above at #55. Also, why does it not matter anymore? Just because it was changed? What has changed to make it OK (not reporting) before and not anymore? Appearance is a concern now but wasn’t? As simple as that? Or?
Maybe research ex post facto law and the US Constitution before going any further.