The coronation….

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I am very thankful that my ancestors fought to extract themselves from such wacky things and instead created something much better. Figurehead or not, "royalty" is just weird.
I wouldn't advise doing a victory dance about our leader's behavior.... 🤔

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I wouldn't advise doing a victory dance about our leader's behavior.... 🤔
And to think that many used to criticize Trump for doing foolish things.... How was it? "We choose truth over facts.", or was it the other way around? Anyway, yeah.....
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Does not make a lot of sense since your location is not mentioned in your profile.


I'm in the southeastern USA. My mother's side immigrated from Germany (Lutherans) in 1752, my father's side from Ireland sometime before the revolution.

p.s. I see that the new forum SW requires a map click for location. Nope. I prefer something less specific.
The victory lap is for a form of government that isn't built on a cult of personality for life. The closest we came to that was FDR, but an amendment fixed that loophole.
Agreed but this thread seems to be about pointing out bad behavior from people in leadership positions. There is no shortage of examples of that from around the world (including the US).

An update on the Irish news story , the publication arent allowing comments on the issue ,

Yes we have our first openly gay leader in Ireland , he's never faced the public vote as head of the political party he represents though , 80% of the party faithfull didnt want him in the job , but around 200 Dail members had the final say on it. Despite him being in power for another few years , if the country goes to an election he will not end up prime minister because his party now holds only around 15% of the popular vote and falling by the day , there fighting a loosing battle with public opinion .
His parties share of the popular vote has been decimated by deeply unpoplular policies that have hit poorer households most , not only that but he appears to have no clue about rural life .
The government have been so mean to the armed forces in terms of pay the Irish navy cant even crew a single vessel , the Gardai are in the midst of the most serious recruitment crisis ever in the history of the force , which is directly related to Covid and how it was handled .

I've had it confirmed by a couple of different sources Irelands current president(Head of State) is a closet homosexual. He lives in a bizzare three way game of upstairs downstairs in the Arás( our equivalent of the white house ) with his wife in one wing and his lover in another part of the palace . Its all a big charade like something from The Grande Budapest Hotel .
Thats inside info so keep it under your hat ;)
I'm in the southeastern USA. My mother's side immigrated from Germany (Lutherans) in 1752, my father's side from Ireland sometime before the revolution.

p.s. I see that the new forum SW requires a map click for location. Nope. I prefer something less specific.
OK, so going back to your original post, you are saying that replacing aging but toothless monarch with and elected aging head of state with the direct access the the Armageddon button is an improvement???? :)


OK, so going back to your original post, you are saying that replacing aging but toothless monarch with and elected aging head of state with the direct access the the Armageddon button is an improvement???? :)


I didn't vote for Biden and don't understand how anyone could not see his obvious impairment in the run-up to the last Presidential election. At least he can be voted out (or, better, not have been voted in in the first place). With a monarchy you get the next heir, regardless. For life. There's no reason to elevate someone to that level of worship.
I didn't vote for Biden and don't understand how anyone could not see his obvious impairment in the run-up to the last Presidential election. At least he can be voted out (or, better, not have been voted in in the first place). With a monarchy you get the next heir, regardless. For life. There's no reason to elevate someone to that level of worship.
Like it or not, the British monarchy is a serious influencer (to put their role in modern parlance) but they do it in person rather than on Twitter et al. The pomp and circumstance combined with 2000 years of history is a great attraction for a very large portion of the world and makes a significant contribution to tourism. In addition, the Commonwealth represents one third of the world population. Of the 56 countries that make up the Commonwealth, only 15 have Charles as head of state. A few have their own monarchs but the majority are republics. The role of head of the commonwealth is currently Charles but the role is not hereditary. Charles was invited by the members to become head in 2018.

Nobody worships Charles but many admire him.


Like it or not, the British monarchy is a serious influencer (to put their role in modern parlance) but they do it in person rather than on Twitter et al. The pomp and circumstance combined with 2000 years of history is a great attraction for a very large portion of the world and makes a significant contribution to tourism. In addition, the Commonwealth represents one third of the world population. Of the 56 countries that make up the Commonwealth, only 15 have Charles as head of state. A few have their own monarchs but the majority are republics. The role of head of the commonwealth is currently Charles but the role is not hereditary. Charles was invited by the members to become head in 2018.

Nobody worships Charles but many admire him.


In my opinion, the ideal type of government is monarchy by a just and benevolent ruler, the problem is that it almost doesn't happen, and it is very likely to end in tyranny. Democracy seems like a good idea, but in the majority of cases it is just about people wanting to gain influence, power and money. If I had to choose between the two, democracy seems like the safest bet, since nothing is perfect. Communism is probably as bad as it gets, but I digress....
In my opinion, the ideal type of government is monarchy by a just and benevolent ruler, the problem is that it almost doesn't happen, and it is very likely to end in tyranny. Democracy seems like a good idea, but in the majority of cases it is just about people wanting to gain influence, power and money. If I had to choose between the two, democracy seems like the safest bet, since nothing is perfect. Communism is probably as bad as it gets, but I digress....
Excuse me if I am repeating myself but our founders studied all the different forms of government before crafting ours. They were aware of human frailty so designed in checks and balances to prevent concentrated power in too few hands. IMO the "federalist papers" book is a good read describing our founder's thought process. We are a republic not a democracy, there is an important difference in that our republic is about protecting individual's rights, not some vague greater public good.

Excuse me if I am repeating myself but our founders studied all the different forms of government before crafting ours. They were aware of human frailty so designed in checks and balances to prevent concentrated power in too few hands. IMO the "federalist papers" book is a good read describing our founder's thought process. We are a republic not a democracy, there is an important difference in that our republic is about protecting individual's rights, not some vague greater public good.

I am not denying it, which is why I said it is probably the best way to go. Otherwise, one is just doing wishful thinking and trying to create a utopia. Also, it is the US system what is great, not the fact that it is a republic. Many countries claim and have included in their name "Republic" and they have been the most dictatorial states, PRC rings a bell......

you guys would argue about what day of the week it is.

Yes! correct JR.

Saying that, I'm a bit disappointed.
First time posting on this section.
I really thought that this was were you discussed how to DIY your own Brew
or any kind of home made alcohol... :cautious::confused:

Greetings from France.

PS: Or maybe I posted once before, but I must have been drunk🥴
Excuse me if I am repeating myself but our founders studied all the different forms of government before crafting ours. They were aware of human frailty so designed in checks and balances to prevent concentrated power in too few hands. IMO the "federalist papers" book is a good read describing our founder's thought process. We are a republic not a democracy, there is an important difference in that our republic is about protecting individual's rights, not some vague greater public good.

Seriously? :)


Yes! correct JR.

Saying that, I'm a bit disappointed.
First time posting on this section.
I really thought that this was were you discussed how to DIY your own Brew
or any kind of home made alcohol... :cautious::confused:

Greetings from France.

PS: Or maybe I posted once before, but I must have been drunk🥴
Do what I say, not what I do... :rolleyes: or not.;)

Are you shamelessly promoting your own product on this GDIY thread?
Johnny H Beer!??! containing Gunk & Body fluids?
This is seriously off topic. Should be on the Black Market anyway.
Let's go back to arguing without end about HRH & the Monarchy.

I shall report this to the Moderator...


you just did...

I deleted it.


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