the new "only" Covid thread

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It's still on the FDA's YouTube Channel @ 2:33:40.21

Kinda weird that their "real time surveillance" experience used is for previous vaccines...
... because I heard from , someone who said that someone in the learning of know told them , that, in "their" theory anyway, is they are trying to hurry up and give everyone enough to get "sick" so they can build up immunity.

and for the balance...

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Rundgren -- severely underecognized. Thanks :)

I liked the part in a late interview with Trump where ex-Potus explained why he had always tried to downplay COVID -- not because he considered COVID little of a threat, on the contrary : because he wanted to do everything necessary "to prevent public panic".
Anthony Fauci has few friends, even in Seattle. Keep in mind, Seattle is one of the major strongholds of leftist covid hysteria in the US and ground zero for lockdowns in Washington State which lasted well over a year. Most of the country dropped mandates and lockdowns after a few months when it became clear that covid was not a threat to 99.7% or more of the population according to dozens of peer reviewed studies. But Washington State kept them going, primarily because of the fear mongering of government officials like Fauci. The fact that Fauci was booed by large crowds in the middle of Seattle is surprising. However, this shows that resistance to the mandates and anger over the disinformation surrounding covid is far more widespread than the media would have us believe.

And we have the video:

Love you guys.
All for now....
Dr "I am science" Fauci, apparently worked on his throwing arm since that last embarrassing attempt to throw out the first pitch at that Nationals game.

Good for him.

An insight into "Long Covid syndrome":
It's also a reason why the worldwide measures against the pandemic were a Real Good Thing. If the pandemic hadn't been countered, we might have hundreds of millions of people worldwide with long covid syndrome. And that's going to be an extremely expensive disease, as these people don't die, but can no longer perform and require treatment. Of course, we're only at the beginning of developing a treatment as nobody could predict this syndrome.

Meanwhile, a first vaccin for Lyme's disease is being tested. It took over 20 years to develop this. Of course, Lyme's disease isn't a pandemic. Fortunately.
An insight into "Long Covid syndrome":
It's also a reason why the worldwide measures against the pandemic were a Real Good Thing. If the pandemic hadn't been countered, we might have hundreds of millions of people worldwide with long covid syndrome. And that's going to be an extremely expensive disease, as these people don't die, but can no longer perform and require treatment. Of course, we're only at the beginning of developing a treatment as nobody could predict this syndrome.
But we haven't "countered" Covid-19 infections. Vaccinated people still get it and transmit it. As the paper clearly states, even mild cases can lead to these "long covid" symptoms.

"long-term neuropsychiatric dysfunction (recently characterized as part of “long COVID-19” syndrome) has been frequently observed after mild infection."

And it also says:

"Supporting the hypothesis of astrocyte infection, neural stem cell–derived human astrocytes in vitro are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection through a noncanonical mechanism that involves spike–NRP1 interaction."

So is injecting people with mRNA to produce spike proteins which are known to cross the blood-brain barrier also capable of inducing this mechanism?

Add to that the likelihood that leaky vaccines led to more mutations and variants which arguably made the disease more persistent than it would have been had we not given these shots to half of humanity.

Meanwhile, a first vaccin for Lyme's disease is being tested. It took over 20 years to develop this. Of course, Lyme's disease isn't a pandemic. Fortunately.

Lyme disease wasn't a result of GoF research. It is long past time to get to the bottom of the origins of Covid question.
"CDC’s COVID-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status because breakthrough infections occur, though they are generally mild (16), and persons who have had COVID-19 but are not vaccinated have some degree of protection against severe illness from their previous infection (17)" -CDC

Common sense wins again. Anyone going admit that some of us were right all along? Nah....
But we haven't "countered" Covid-19 infections. Vaccinated people still get it and transmit it. As the paper clearly states, even mild cases can lead to these "long covid" symptoms.

We have countered Covid in this sense that isolation, maks and vaccines have prevented mass infection, leading to overload on hospitals.

"long-term neuropsychiatric dysfunction (recently characterized as part of “long COVID-19” syndrome) has been frequently observed after mild infection."

And it also says:

"Supporting the hypothesis of astrocyte infection, neural stem cell–derived human astrocytes in vitro are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection through a noncanonical mechanism that involves spike–NRP1 interaction."

So is injecting people with mRNA to produce spike proteins which are known to cross the blood-brain barrier also capable of inducing this mechanism?

We're learning how the virus infects it's host. None of that was known when the pandemic started. Other factors may need to be included, like furin:
The more we know about Covid, the easier it becomes to treat it and maybe find more effective vaccines.

There is a lot we don't know about virii. We know far more about bacteria. When dr. Jenner found the smallpox vaccine, it was by experimentation, not by knowledge. And we don't even know where the virus he used to create the first vaccine came from. It seems vanished.

Your question about crossing the blood-brain barrier is a valid one and it is being studied. But that area is one we know very little about. We don't know how to get medicine into the brain effectively. For that reason, parasites like Toxoplasma gondii have been neglected. That's natural, because you can't study it without putting the patient at great risk. In Jenner's days, there were no ethical committees to prevent physicians from experimenting. Fortunately, we do have these today.

Add to that the likelihood that leaky vaccines led to more mutations and variants which arguably made the disease more persistent than it would have been had we not given these shots to half of humanity.

AFAIK there's no evidence that vaccines have ever made any disease more persistent. Mutations, otoh, are impossible to predict, so how would you measure or test if there are more mutations?

Lyme disease wasn't a result of GoF research. It is long past time to get to the bottom of the origins of Covid question.

According to some Lyme disease was studied by the US military on an island near the place where the first cases occurred. I've never seen proof, of course, but who can tell what the military were doing exactly?

And knowing that the army wasted 20 million US$ trying to find a disease that would only kill people of colour, I wouldn't put it past them.

I would also like to see the reasons why the university of Texas paid 5 million to the Wuhan lab. It seems logical that would be for research they weren't allowed to carry out in the US, wouldn't it?

But I doubt we will ever see answers to these questions. Just like the questions for the labs in Belarus and Ukraine.
What about the unvaccinated who were so demonized throughout the last year?
“CDC’s COVID-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status because breakthrough infections occur, though they are generally mild, and persons who have had COVID-19 but are not vaccinated have some degree of protection against severe illness from their previous infection.”
Remember when 40% of the members of the black community in New York City who refused the jab were not allowed into restaurants, bars, libraries, museums, or theaters? Now, no one wants to talk about that.

Also, universities, colleges, the military, and so on – which still have mandates in place – do you hear this? Everything you have done to hate on people, dehumanize people, segregate people, humiliate others as unclean, fire people and destroy lives, now stands in disrepute.
Not "only" covid but in the news.

Lancet said:
The infection of a domesticated animal was reported in the medical journal The Lancet. According to the report, researchers believe the 4-year-old Italian greyhound got the infection from its owners, who are two gay men who live together (in France) and were not sexually exclusive.

How do get a dog to wear the face mask?

The infection of a domesticated animal was reported in the medical journal The Lancet. According to the report, researchers believe the 4-year-old Italian greyhound got the infection from its owners, who are two gay men who live together (in France) and were not sexually exclusive.

"12 days after symptom onset, their male Italian greyhound, aged 4 years and with no previous medical disorders, presented with mucocutaneous lesions, including abdomen pustules and a thin anal ulceration.....The men reported co-sleeping with their dog."

I learn something new every day.
Certainly dangerous if you don't dose it correctly.
Same with acetaminophen, ibuprofen, dextromethorphan, Benadryl, various PPI drugs, and many other common OTC drugs. But those were not suddenly locked away when they were needed, were they? Ivermectin is one of the WHO's listed wonder drugs.
Just most likely ineffective if you do!

According to some random Twitter user.
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