The Version 9 Green Pre

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Hi all

The PCB has went to the plant last Monday, their prediction is 10 working days so I'm expecting a call today telling me they will be ready.

I say "prediction" because a lot of local companies work on "African time" & I will be impressed if the PCB's are ready today. They do look very nice though.

I have ordered enough to keep everyone happy for quite a while.....

Hey Peter,
This looks like a great project. What is the maximum amount that could fit in a 3 unit rack. Is it too late to get 10?
Thanks for the update Peter.

Just as an aside, I have some API VU's ........would it be possible for me to use these on the Green either in place of or in conjuction with the LEDs? If so, any suggestions on implementing this?

Chris :cool:
Are these passive VU meters ?

They can be patched on the output but you will have the slight distortion people talk of ... caused be the diode bridge contained in the VU meter.

A buffered output is probably what you need if you want these in circuit all the time.

Haven't looked at Pete's new PCB for a while but I'm sure there is a spot where you could get a snif of the signal and enter a meter buffer to drive a meter for each channel. The buffer circuit will have a trim to set the meter correctly. We have had a few meter buffer circuits here (and at the old place :roll: ) ... so I'm pretty sure a search will find something to suit.
Hi All

What is the maximum amount that could fit in a 3 unit rack. Is it too late to get 10?

Never thought about a 3U box. The board is optimised to fit 4 pres into a 1U box (flat) or 8 pres into a 2U box (vertical). 10 will be no problem.

I have some API VU's ........would it be possible for me to use these on the Green either in place of or in conjuction with the LEDs?

Dont know about the VU's - any ideas Kev? The LED meter is completely isolated from the audio circuitry with its own input buffer & PSU filtering.

The fab place did not call me about the PCB's Friday, I'll call on Monday to find out why.....

here is a sneak ... don't tell Pete I told you cos ... he may get angry with me.
... Laid out the Borbely/Sulzer PSU this weekend, I'd like to build that soon. ...

You're just pissed cos we won the rugby.... :grin: :wink:
The Borbely Sulzer regulator is a variation on the Jung Superreg. Have a look here :

[quote author="peterc"] Don't know about the VU's - any ideas Kev? [/quote]

Hi Pete .. I think I beat you by a second.

The same spot where you drive your meter buffer could be used to drive a VU meter buffer.
Perhaps even both if you wanted to get carried away.

These things can be sorted on the bench before you start the metal work.

It might also be possible to set up a multiple Mic-pre in a 3RU box ... BUT ... with only one VU meter that can be switched between the Mic-pres.

This might save some front panel space.
... just a thought.
Kev and Peter, thanks for the replies.........I'll seek out specific details when the time draws near to make these. For my purposes I envisage 2 pre's per 2U case which will give plenty of room for the VU's to fit in and of course I intend to keep the LEDs...........gotta luv coloured lights flashing in synch with a VU needle............kinda trippy.

Are you planning on doing a similar thing with this PCB by releasing a PDF? The boards look great and I'd like to buy one, but I've been having so much fun trying to make my own boards, I'd prefer thst. In any case, Thanks for your work!

I think I can speak for Pete here ... :roll:

... even if Pete does do a PCB for sale, I'm sure ... for those that want to roll a few of their own ... we can find a way to help you out. :wink:

Please people do try to make your own PCB's.
Once you have this OR a PCB prototype'r near by the sooner you can look at developing your own projects ... that we can later, ALL share in.

This place may feel like Clone City now but I know there are some great original projects out there. They just need a little more encouragement.
some say that this is the best part...
...i say their full of crap.
[quote author="FredForssell"]Does anyone know the appox date of the A.M.E.K/RN design?[/quote]

According to Graham Langley, RN started working with them as a consultant back in 1989, though they had been talking on and off since the mid 80ies.

I don't think the common mode choke and an capacitors are fitted specifically to emulate transformer behaviour. The common mode bootstrapping is all about that though. Apply signal to one leg of the input only and you'll get nothing out.
Is the Green pre (in its' current incarnation) actually based on the actual 9098 RN design, or is it a new design based on that pre's concepts.

I have some 9098s now (borrowed) and while they aren't my favorite pres for character they are clean, and I have been using them as my "go to" pres when i am unsure of the color I want during tracking.

How does the latest green ore compare to the actual 9098?

... like mozart?
You got some info on page 3 or 4 or 5 in this thread hehe..
Well there is there somewhere

It's on the first page, written by SSLTech.

For those like me :sad: that can't make a PCB at home, are you thinking to include a PSU PCB to make our lifes easier :grin: ?

And if it were free for a 4 boards ordeer ...... :roll:

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