Movement on the STY-5 mic bodies. I've told the factory to prepare to make a large production run of bodies to put a fire under them to get that headbasket right. . . aaaaannnnnnd. . . it's inside out, but I think we have the right materials happening here according to the sample that I sent. And, the factory is being responsive. . . the previous sample was not inside out, but the outside was at a 45 degree orientation instead of straight. Frustrating, but we are moving forward and now it is clear they are using a proper 3 layer material setup.
Once I see a correct headbasket photo, I pull the trigger and we go into production run. They will also mail me the sample for final verification, but that usually only takes 2 days from China to me by air so that will be quick. There should be plenty of available units for everyone who wants one and remain in stock for some time. This will be a really big order.
Per my request, the base has been modified to expose more thread and we will be using an M24 threaded shock mount.
We are very close on this.