DaveP said:
The first EF86 amp I made was a Mullard 5-10 for my HiFi back in 1970, the power supply caps finally gave out in the mid 80's. Before that I had modified my Selmer 100W PA to take Treble and Bass controls. In my 20's I tried to make a 4 track tape deck with EF86 amps but I could not get the tape bias sorted as I was too poor to buy a scope and VVM, I had no way to tell what was going on, so that was a total failure.
Recently I made a REDD47 which I found disappointing, it did not have the best operating point for the EF86 for low noise and it sounded dry and dead. I made a VOX AC4 for a guy to use for his harmonica, it sounded divine for that and guitar too. I made a mic pre for my studio using an EF86 triode wired and an EL84 for the output with no feedback, I was happier with that.
For this V 241, I have bought the best transformers in the business as I'm trying to make a world class mic-pre this time. I'm hoping that the choke loading will give it a special vibe, as will the V76 front end with the same EF86 I used for the pentode tests. It will be interesting to see whether or not I have been successful. Thanks for your interest.
Thanks to you for reply and sharing. Mullard's "Tube circuits for audio amplifiers" was my first book about tube use, bought it in mid 90's and found very helpful at various stages of working with tubes. 2xEF86 preamp never worked well as a mic amp even with ECC82 cathode follower output and proper mic input. It was still good example of EF86 input stage.
All of my Redd47s are very quiet, noise with good input tubes (Tesla EF806s) isn't as low as better SS preamps on scope, in use it beats many of them. I think it is because noise isn't as evasive, 2U racks with careful layout and of course EF86 selection. Your expectations are very high, so it isn't comparable i guess.
I tend to use Cinemag's CMMI-7C input, outputs also Cinemag with at least 50Ni and often bigger cores. Everyone who used this combinations like it for nice color; in highs similar to SS and big bass with some transformers. Cinemag is very responsive by phone and recommends products by looking at schematics, why now give them try like this. Iirc one of their inputs has very similar specifications to Jensen you use here, it is also worth comparing line inputs because at least one good Jensen is based on Cinemag design.
Smaller core Cinemag OT's in Redd47 (also at least 50Ni core) aren't as "exciting", i prefer them for vocals and never use 34dB position because it sounds boring on most sources.
Vox AC4 looks very interesting to me, have to get more information about using it when playing a bit harder rock. Cabinet seems easy, i could probably use many with 10-12" speaker and closed back. Will see if anyone made a drawing because i need small simple and flexible (distortion up to hard rock type) el. guitar amp. EF86/EL84 preamp of yours is still on my list, just got two more EL84s from Siemens that work fine.
V76 gain control is excellent, for sure much better than almost fixed preamps where sound changes with setting a lot.
It still isn't completely clear to me, for example i wonder what are R1,2,3 and C1 on schematic on p.2. R2 and R3 look like biasing resistor and voltage divider for R1. I'm probably wrong on this assumption and don't know function of C1.
V72s also has two cathode resistors, although that is so just to set the gain. C13/50uF on V76 is more clear, it should change open loop gain for NFB resistors setting gain.
ECC81 is to ECC85 if intersection screen isn't needed. Some say closest, i couldn't find one in production that would be more similar.