HA, some friends of me owned a whole park of analogue and VA synths of the finest (from virus to jupiter, cool korgs and quasimidi, waldorf, emu, roland, casio...). :shock:
they used to use an atari st with notator (no, it was the other version, don't get the name right now)... :grin:
then they got in a trap mixing it all together wanting the *industry standard* to make it perfect with *total recall* - 02r...
after making a demo and one gig and one pro deal project they ended up to loose control over their songs, snippets, ideas, AND first the sound...
"this is not the routing we had last time...it sounds not right...how do i do...???"). :?
Now one of them puts his atari-midi into an ibook running reason and the other one...well he has this 02r but i think he does everything with reason IN the pc... No projects since then...
(how an 02r destroyed the motivation of two uprising goaheads...) :wink:
to the topic: i seemed to have lost contact to the digital market...adat capable cards became cheap nowadays... hah, and now i read about MADI! Ten yrs old and now defnately in range... maybe even for diy with the new range of cool microcontrollers... dreaming of 128 ch realized with cheapycheap superduper quality adda's and midi patchbays over cascaded adat-midi-madi superpatchbays remote controlled by my computer....(ups rme does something like that already :shock: )
wait, i think i have to wait until i can sync two computers perfectly together with linux and the vendors make linux drivers the overall standard... i think i have to wait a few yrs more... until i can afford it ... maybe.
Time to go to bed dreaming...sun is shining and it's sunday again... :sam:
I think i'll etch my ready transferred GSSL PCB today (it looks so good already :grin: black and copper, a good team), and the mini psu, and a midibox core...nothing's better than diy at last...