What medium are the members of the lab tracking to?

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Have you had any problems with your MX2424 with files/backing up ?

I have a friend who bought one for his studio & wound up replacing it with 3 DA78`s. He said he was losing files. I can`t say that I`ve ever suffered from this, but I don`t tend to use the DVD back up. I have 3 9gig scsi drives that I stuck in an old PC case & just record on to them. If I want to back up I pull it into my PC (overnight !!!!) via ethernet.
I upgraded to OS3.12(i think that is the number, whatever the newest one is) and the only problem i had was the machine locked up once on me during mixdown. other than that i haven't had any problems with it. I don't use the DVD backup either. I have the original 9gb drive and another 60gb drive in the machine. I also use ethernet and download the files! however If i can find another cheap dvdR i'll put one in, but then i'll have to move the HDDs to a separate box like you have.
Tascam TSR-16 1/2" and MOTU 2408mk1 to Nuendo here. Hope to get a 2" machine some day....

The analog guys will love this: I have a friend in NY who records rhythm tracks to a brand-new Studer 827 with 2" 8-track heads and then dumps to Pro Tools HD. Wanna talk about fat?

A friend and I (he's also a recording technology guy) were discussing the differences between the old and the new technology one day, on the way to a job we had in Blackhawk, Colorado (about an hour and a half drive from where we lived at the time).

I was stating that recording technology from the seventies and early eighties really was quite good, and didn't need to be replaced with anything.

He disagreed.

He said that the recording technology had plenty of room for improvement, and that it was the recording techniques that didn't need to be changed or "improved upon".

I think he's on to something...
maybe we need to re-learn from the 50's & 60's. I think the best recordings of those decades are the best. Tranistors and chips are
part of the problem but I suspect the way things were done makes for
a better sense of sound stage IMHO.

[quote author="Rob Flinn"].

I can`t understand 18 mics on drums. !![/quote]


Me too !!!

You know..anything more than 5 (+ room) mics on a drumset and I start to get funny shivers down my spine..and more often than not indicates to me something is wrong somewhere..!!! Ymmv

Kind regards

about the 18 mics on drums: I know that 18 mics seems like too much, but you have to remember that maybe only 5 or so actually get used. many of them are put there just in case or to be A/B'd later so that retracking doesn't have to be done. this is just a time/money/headache saver in the long run. It's psychological too. each time the drummer plays and is told to redo because he screwed up, his confidence level goes down, and therefor his energy/intensity level goes down. i guess you can call it falling out of the groove. I've seen it a bunch of times.
anything more than 5 (+ room) mics

I didn`t even use room mics. With the 21 channels that I used for my live recording there were 4 channels of DI`d keyboards & 1 channel for DI`d bass (straight out of an AMPEG rig). That leaves 15 channels of mics. Obvoiusly there is a degree of crosstalk & generally I get enough ambience through these other channels. The only reverb that was used was a bit of AKG spring on the 3 horn channels.

You can hear some dodgy quality mp3`s here http://www.blunterbrothers.co.uk/
Ok, 18 is really too much. I did gigs with 2, I did gigs with 12 or so, PA turned on...

But I admire a lot those all live old records. It was all about the music. Now it's all about the right loop so you can cut and paste it to get it as hard as you can. btw nothing againts that too :)
It's just borring trying to do it always the same way...

Hey, 2" 8 tracks is like a dream... I'd like to hear it at 15ips... :)

I don't have the patience for that many mics... I guess I really am a live sound guy in temperament as well as experience.

Last night I threw together a very simple tune for another project, and just to make it fun (and avoid distraction) I did it all by bouncing between two minidisc recorders. Damn that was fun! Of course there's no "mixing" other than making a guess about the current instrument, but even with that it comes out pretty well.
...i think we used 9 mics on the drums in studio with our band 10 yrs ago...after finishing the demo we were so proud to have it on cd...
Then the same engineer went into our bandroom a few weeks later (which was the second recording room btw...) and did a little experiment with two mics because he liked when we played our set just for fun (sometimes we did it in half speed, making the fast heavy metal a slooow doom metal set!)...
We heard his two mic cut in the control room afterwards and started to anger a lot. The mix sounded much better than our final demo mix we payed alot for...would just have needed a bit of master polish to make it into a radioplay...
(18 mics???)

@topic, cause i read the whole thread that late...
->audiotraks inca88->medion pc w/ AUDACITY
(worked with logic, didn't liked it, cubase, nuendo, (complicated), saw soundscape, seems easy and fun. never saw PT actually)
will go soundcardwise to a 16ch adat card w/ ext.ADDA like creamware A16 or the behrungers in the next time (budget)) software may change to sonar, maybe cubase sx or nuendo or stick to audacity if it expands its functionality. like to have a motorfadercontrolconsole, maybe based on midibox diy or again the berunger bcf if drivers start to be really usable :)
Thought about 02R but can't get used to this fizzly design right now, never mind about "industry standards", anyway.
At my job, a know-nothing manager (who was on a "digital is better 'cause it's 'modern'" kick at the time) made me remove a perfectly good analog console from our TV studio and replace it with an 02R. I f*ckin' hate that console. The old console was easy for our mostly nontechnical staff to operate; the 02R baffles them and they have to bug me for help almost every time they need to use it.
HA, some friends of me owned a whole park of analogue and VA synths of the finest (from virus to jupiter, cool korgs and quasimidi, waldorf, emu, roland, casio...). :shock:
they used to use an atari st with notator (no, it was the other version, don't get the name right now)... :grin:
then they got in a trap mixing it all together wanting the *industry standard* to make it perfect with *total recall* - 02r... :cool:
after making a demo and one gig and one pro deal project they ended up to loose control over their songs, snippets, ideas, AND first the sound...
"this is not the routing we had last time...it sounds not right...how do i do...???"). :?
Now one of them puts his atari-midi into an ibook running reason and the other one...well he has this 02r but i think he does everything with reason IN the pc... No projects since then... :cry:

(how an 02r destroyed the motivation of two uprising goaheads...) :wink:

to the topic: i seemed to have lost contact to the digital market...adat capable cards became cheap nowadays... hah, and now i read about MADI! Ten yrs old and now defnately in range... maybe even for diy with the new range of cool microcontrollers... dreaming of 128 ch realized with cheapycheap superduper quality adda's and midi patchbays over cascaded adat-midi-madi superpatchbays remote controlled by my computer....(ups rme does something like that already :shock: )
wait, i think i have to wait until i can sync two computers perfectly together with linux and the vendors make linux drivers the overall standard... i think i have to wait a few yrs more... until i can afford it ... maybe.
Time to go to bed dreaming...sun is shining and it's sunday again... :sam:

I think i'll etch my ready transferred GSSL PCB today (it looks so good already :grin: black and copper, a good team), and the mini psu, and a midibox core...nothing's better than diy at last...

I track to a DIY AMD computer, XP2600M O'clocked to 3400 on an ASUS A7N8X-E with and aftermarket 3114 Sata Card, RME 9652>Alesis AI3 with an old Blackface for 8 more B converters.
Ha, can't afford this one but bought today a flintsoneBerg VSL-2020. Nice buy, got off the forum, looked at ebay, outsale 100,-?ur brand new 2 yrs warranty 16ch adat, wordclock and decent spdif and 2 analoge I/O... hmmm what should i get for this, ai3, creamware old A16 (la Audiobahn) or maybe the behrunger?

@rafa: where are you rafa, don'T you said you are recording thru a A16 with a luna???

What would you compare it? i can get it at nearly the price of ONE Behrunger and it has 16ch and not 8...hmmm but have never heard it (both) myself sincerely. are the behrungers maybe better quality in sound?

hmmm, live is quite not easy on budget (would get crane song or apogee x if i could afford (in the next YEAR or so...))

by the way, my medion is a DISCOUNT pc "Marke: ALDI". Lots of bang for the money and never looked back (my third medion). 2,66GHz PIV allrounder steering and interfacing my midisport 8x8 via usb, bought the inca (worked flawlessly from the beginning) so the ole scsi had to go, needed the port. never had any problems, get mail while recording 8 tracks, every port is used, onboard sound as well, doing quite other things than recording. even a wacom pad finds a way to interface, as isdn and wlan do (and a PIC flasher, and multicard reader hehe).
graphics card heatpipe radiator passive cooled and overclocked (fiiine, fast and quite, a goood deal, to everyone: the zalman heatpipes rock)...so no flaw with XP, don't understand people wishing back WfW3.11 or stuff like the 95 experiment (even this was stable...when they quit the support...after min. essential 23 stability OS patches)

ok i'm really into computer technics since c64 (or was it the ZX81? no, i couldn't afford it for 400,-DM)...

two nice little edirols look at me...will get behrangers truth soon maybe, the new ones look very good...maybe will go for genelec? rest of monitors a two decent hifi amp/box combis. not bad for synth and dance and experimental.
my living room is studio and working place....no wait, it's the whole flat actually... :shock:

(That's why my wife hates me...)

wait a minute........ back to the jam session/cover song stuff.

CJ: shredding guitar.

b3groover: face-melting hammond licks.

Consul & Svart: you guys can fight it out for drumming rights. who ever can wrangle up the most toms might have an advantage.


drum roll


Deep Purple!

..and something that totally rips like 'burn' or 'speed king'. If I'm in I vote for 'space truckin'. I'll play whatever. I might even sing.


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