(yawn!) -Another Completed GSSL!

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2004
Florida (Previously UK)
I had an engineer ask me to make them a GSSL recently. -They do a lot of 'Black Metal' recording and mixing, and they really wanted me to somehow 'sign' the unit, since they're also a fan of the work which I did with 'Carcass' almost 20 years ago. (Yes, it was all mixed through an SSL buss compressor!)

They're a fan of the 'red-on-black' color scheme (which seems to be popular in Death Metal) so they opted for that 'theme' for the front panel. -I decided to carry that theme on inside the unit as well, so I made almost all of the wiring red, inside the black case. -Mercifully there wasn't any troubleshooting or wire-tracing to do!  ;D

Anyhow, I thought that I'd post some pictures for others to share:

The Unit:

A general shot of the insides:

The main board:

The power section:

A closer view of the left part ("signed by the artist!"  ;) )

And the right part up close:

I'm running it on soak-test for a while before I ship it overseas to its new owner... I'll be a little sad to cut the umbilical!

i bet red caps on the knobs will look like hell....
Im into death/black metal lately....actually i like a wide variety of music but on metal red is the law...

PS: my nearly finished GSSL is on a red front panel..will look cool too..
Good luck
Nice, but shouldn't the knob-caps be red too ? and the meter-light...

I wish I had a signature like that  :) mine just looks stupid.

I wish I had red-on-black collet knobs, but I might let the owner know that he can always bolt them on later. It might void the warranty, though!  ;D
SSLtech said:
They're a fan of the 'red-on-black' color scheme (which seems to be popular in Death Metal)
Black on black, surely. With black knobs, black on black meter (with black pointer of course). Or is that Black Metal?
must be slipping Keith , everyone knows
the majic is in the black box so
red is your bleeding heart , crying for the souls
of metal past ?
SSLtech said:
I had an engineer ask me to make them a GSSL recently. -They do a lot of 'Black Metal' recording and mixing, and they really wanted me to somehow 'sign' the unit, since they're also a fan of the work which I did with 'Carcass' almost 20 years ago. (Yes, it was all mixed through an SSL buss compressor!)

carcass?!  that rules.  my left-handedness prohibits me from doing a 'signature series'... well at least not a visually pleasing one.
Entropia Cub said:
Ahaha great one! :)
(and Carcass - Heartwork is still huge in sound : those deep guitars...!)

Yep. "Heartwork" it was.

The Producer (Colin Richardson) is coming to visit next month... it's the first time we've met in almost 18 years since we did that album together!

The 'depth' of the guitars comes -at least PARTLY- from the double-depth "Frankencab" 4x12 which we built. -that -along with the detuning- made for some monster 'throb'!

Yes!  Cheers to Heartwork :)  Goodness, I can't believe that was 18 years ago!

Oh, and slightly on topic, I think flames on the next one  ;D  I'm of the "everything looks better with flames" belief.
SSLtech said:
The 'depth' of the guitars comes -at least PARTLY- from the double-depth "Frankencab" 4x12 which we built. -that -along with the detuning- made for some monster 'throb'!


IIRC you've posted once how this cab was made. I might want to build something similar once. Even though Heartwork isn't my favourite Carcass album, the guitarsound is awesome. Was there also a graphic EQ used on the guitars during the mix ? I once heard Colin prefers using graphics for guitars, not sure the source is correct though.... But if it's true, I'd wonder what kind of graphic is used. I have tried a few graphic eq's on guitars, and for some reason the cheapest that I have sounded best.... But not perfect.  Maybe there's a better one for this purpose, so, hence this question.

By the way, you've also tracked the demoversion of "Exhume To Consume", right ? This was my first endeavor with Carcass, I was totally knocked of my feet back then (20 years ago, when I was 14 years old). The sound of this demosong is sooooo much better then the sound of the album "Symphonies Of Sickness", on which the final version of Exhume appeared.

Anyway, back to the compressor ! In case your costumer wants black collet Sifams with red caps, I think I have enough for a trade. I don't need the black ones, and I need a lot of grey ones for my monster project.
I posted a long reply more than once, including build details for 'Frankencab', but the forum ate all the replies...  :-X

But yes, I also did the original 'exhume' EP version (which was more than 20 years ago!) and I had an absolute BLAST doing it!

LOVE that band. -Can't wait to meet up with Colin Richardson (the producer on heartwork) when he comes to visit next month... -haven't seen him since we did the album!

Ah pity, the collet knobs that I have are 6mm, not a quarter inch.

So, when Colin's at your place, ask him which graphic he prefers for the guitars. I'm curious !  ;D

And you can also tell him that he's my favourite deathmetal producer, in case he doesn't want to share his tricks, ha !
I typed that in the reply which was swallowed up.

It wasn't a graphic on Heartwork, but we tracked all the guitars through a series chain of two channels of GML EQ. One was set for Bill, one for Mike. Which ever player was being printed to tape, we switched HIS EQ channel settings in, and bypassed the other channel.

All guitars were tracked 'production line' in about 3 days, I think.


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