covid politics

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I think one way to get more people vaccinated would be to address their patriotism. Many of those who refuse vaccination consider themselves super-patriots (MAGA, etc.) and might be persuaded to vaccinate. Leaders (particularly Republican) should point out to them that in past wars, Americans have stepped up, at personal risk, to protect their fellow citizens, the country, and the American way of life. Point out that this is another war (that we are losing), against a common enemy, the virus, and that by getting vaccinated they are warriors fighting for America.

Unfortunately that would presuppose that Republican leaders have the balls to do this, putting country/humanity before re-election (like Liz Cheney). Oh wait - how does a woman hve bigger balls than the men?
Thanks for bringing this back on topic (covid politics).

Yes Liz Cheney appears to have bigger balls than many men from both parties (perhaps both nature and nurture).

I do not posses the skill for mind reading that partisan hacks claim, the derrogation does not ring true in my opinion but you know what they say about opinions (insert everybody has one joke).


My personal project to convince (facebook ;)) "friends" to get vaccinated hasn't shown much fruit yet. One more former coworker chimed in that he too was vaccinated. Not much commentary one way or the other. Maybe I should have added a dumb math question for click bait.:rolleyes:

reportedly teen (girl) suicides were down when schools were closed.

[edit- a quick search reveals contrary opinions /edit]

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One of the largest studies about Ivermectin turns out be false:
Some of the patients in the test had already died before the study started...

Unfortunately, most meta studies used for approval have used the data from this study. These will need to recalculate their findings. the signs on the shelves at the local farm supply store were more valid than the conspiracy theory seekers... weird. Follow the science. It's going to be a moving target as long as the virus mutates.
While a meta analysis is mostly a statistical number crunching exercise, one bad data set can discredit the entire study's findings.

There is a lot of criticism heaped on all such research but it is one of the few tools we have to work with to gain understanding.

Observe that now the "sky is falling" reportage is counting "cases" not deaths...

Be very afraid.


PS: There are probably even more symptomless cases than those numbers suggest.
Looks like the Ron has learned well from his epidemiological mentor, the Don. He must think there are enough voters in Florida (and maybe the US) that believe his quackery. I'm afraid this is not going to turn out well for him, and the poor Floridians, as it has not turned out well for the US from the last presidential administration's politics over science policies.
Observe that now the "sky is falling" reportage is counting "cases" not deaths...
Wait a few weeks - you won't be disappointed.

“Every surge is different. The difference this time is it is predominantly unvaccinated patients that are sick. They are younger patients. There are a lot of emotions and there is a lot of fatigue at the same time,” said Dr. Fiorica. “Now we are seeing 30 and 40-year-old patients that are sick… We are not used to seeing that. A year ago we were talking about an older population they had a lot of underlying medical conditions, now we are dealing with healthy, young patients,” he continued.

Just last month, SMH’s intensive care unit was COVID-free.

Three weeks ago on July 8, there were 15 COVID patients at the hospital with two in the ICU. As of July 29, the COVID census is at 95 patients with 23 in the ICU.

The ICU census has doubled in less than one week. The hospital reported 11 COVID patients in it’s ICU on Monday, July 26.

You need to work on your reading "my" mind skills(?) :rolleyes: . I won't be disappointed if more people get vaccinated and improve their survival chances.

I am making an effort both here and elsewhere on social media to encourage vaccination, without much obvious success despite having read multiple books about persuasion. :unsure:

The media and administration's idea of persuasion appears to be trying to scare people and calling people who aren't vaccinated names. I don't expect that to work much better than it has so far. We need a grass roots effort with vaccinated peers persuading their peers to get vaccinated.

I won't attempt to predict the trajectory of this phase of the pandemic while we are definitely still in it. I expect it to be different but I am not smart enough to say precisely how. We should be far better prepared now, but perhaps no better informed.

Sorry John - I took your post only as a snarky comment on the media, rather than a foreboding of what's to come, and I responded with a snarky comment of my own. I know you are for vaccination and protecting people from the vicissitudes of the "leaders."
I apologize.
The media and administration's idea of persuasion appears to be trying to scare people and calling people who aren't vaccinated names.

I read things a little differently than you do. I think the administration(and let's face it, mainstream media as well, because they don't want to tick off a sizable segment of their viewing audience) have held off on name-calling by and large. And I think Biden erred too far on the carrot side ("you can take off your mask if you get vaxxed"--as if unvaxxed folks were wearing masks in the first place!), and now that things are getting ugly, he's moving more towards the stick.
There are a lot of vaxxed people, on the other hand, who are truly ticked off at the unvaxxed and antivax crowd. I think there's pretty strong evidence that all of this could be a lot less awful with higher vax numbers nationwide--the brass ring was within reach, and a lot of vaxxed people are ticked off that it was denied them by a bunch of unvaxxed people. I think part of Biden's approach was to try to avoid, or at least delay, this rising anger. I don't think he wanted to see the unvaccinated be scapegoated (because that could get really freaking ugly.)

But fear--let's face it, folks should be afraid at this point. Also, I think it's fair to say that fear, paranoia and suspicion are the key tools that anti-vaxx hucksters (and certain cynical GOP political opportunists) are using to assail the vaxx--maybe if folks are more afraid of the disease than they are of 5G/nanobots/Bill Gates/sterility/zombieism etc., they'll actually start getting the shot. Fight fear with fear? I can't really see it making things worse.

(Also, I think employer mandates may become a big force in getting folks off the schneid. Time will tell.)
Observe that now the "sky is falling" reportage is counting "cases" not deaths...

Be very afraid.


PS: There are probably even more symptomless cases than those numbers suggest.
...and 99% of hospitalized cases are among unvaccinated people. I love fighting the next civil war without picking up a gun. I love how the sky is NOT falling for those in a small, isolated social circle. Very compassionate for our ICU doctors and nurses having to treat all the idiots as said ICUs fill up. Once again, wow, just wow. I PRAY THIS MESSAGING WORKS.CQTHMTXTB5EGDA277EOLDFWNFM.jpg
Observe that now the "sky is falling" reportage is counting "cases" not deaths...

Be very afraid.


PS: There are probably even more symptomless cases than those numbers suggest.
New news. Observe that now that the "sky is falling" reportage is counting covid HOSPITALIZATIONS. As you try to downplay the severity of the situation, Florida now has a new covid hospitalization record for the entire pandemic. Go ahead, don't be afraid. We'll get to the point where a non-covid emergency can't be handled because of ICU occupancy. The right-wing talking points are embarrassing at best. At least your talking points are hurting your own fellow party members. Thanks for fighting the new civil war for me. I owe you a beer.
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