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The new advice debate is about reducing quarantine time from 10 days to 7 days. My inner skeptic speculates that this is not science based but addressing the huge practical problem that businesses and industry will be severely impacted by huge numbers quarantined without serious illness, or public health benefit. The airline industry already challenged by staff shortages is in the news today because of new flight cancellations on a busy travel day.

The only good news that I see is that omicron is so fast spreading that it may already run its course before the federal government can stall the economy further with wide testing of symptomless people that triggers new shutdowns. Two years into the pandemic and they are only now deciding to expand testing. I don't think they are trying to screw the pooch on purpose, but won't win a gold star from me for these moves.

The new advice debate is about reducing quarantine time from 10 days to 7 days. My inner skeptic speculates that this is not science based but addressing the huge practical problem t
I read that with Delta people who were vaxxed tended to clear the virus in 5.5 days on average, so 7 days might be fine. Probably with Omicron it's a little early to tell. Keep an eye on how long NBA players are in the protocol. They have to have 2 negative tests 24 hours apart before returning to their teams. Lots of guys are out at the moment. It's a small and skewed sample but probably worth paying attention to.
We will never get to zero infections. As I mentioned before they are still finding rare cases of spanish flu (who is looking for that?).

I just did a search to find how many NBA players died from Covid, so far I found one player's mother, and one NBA analyst/reporter. NBA players are generally younger, not obese, and in above average physical condition, not exactly a high risk group.

The US life expectancy is dropping, a number I watch more closely as it gets closer. I don't appreciate it getting even closer even faster (thanks covid, or is it people avoiding preventative health care). :unsure:

NBA players quarantined will make huge headlines because the NBA always schedules multiple high profile games on Christmas day. I can feel the scary news reports coming already "Christmas games cancelled" :eek: .

My judgement is that we may be testing too much already, and are heading toward a testing orgy. Lets see how many more businesses we can shut down.


PS: My brother and sister in law tested twice this week because they were in a different state to visit a niece who is immune compromised (double lung transplant). That testing makes complete sense, for the asymptomatic public not as much IMO. We are heading into the cold and flu season there will be plenty of respiratory symptoms for everybody.
Omicron saves the day.

I think we are going to have a big surge of infections, most with mild or no symptoms, in the next month or two. Just from sheer numbers of infections, even though most at no risk, it will be difficult for hospitals and sick people. Then, barring a new variant that escapes current immunity, the pandemic aspect will be over. Survivors (everybody) will have immunity, whether from vaccination, disease or both.

Just my 2 cents.
I just did a search to find how many NBA players died from Covid, so far I found one player's mother, and one NBA analyst/reporter. NBA players are generally younger, not obese, and in above average physical condition, not exactly a high risk group.
My point was that many currently have it, & because they get tested with such frequency that it'd be easy to get a picture of how long it takes (for young athletes anyway) to be clear of Omicron. That could give some insight into whether the length of quarantine ought to be adjusted.
Omicron saves the day.

I think we are going to have a big surge of infections, most with mild or no symptoms, in the next month or two. Just from sheer numbers of infections, even though most at no risk, it will be difficult for hospitals and sick people. Then, barring a new variant that escapes current immunity, the pandemic aspect will be over. Survivors (everybody) will have immunity, whether from vaccination, disease or both.

Just my 2 cents.
I'll drink to that... a nice christmas gift for the world.


PS: Maybe we should start licking door knobs instead of wearing masks.
Omicron saves the day.

I think we are going to have a big surge of infections, most with mild or no symptoms, in the next month or two. Just from sheer numbers of infections, even though most at no risk, it will be difficult for hospitals and sick people. Then, barring a new variant that escapes current immunity, the pandemic aspect will be over. Survivors (everybody) will have immunity, whether from vaccination, disease or both.

Just my 2 cents.
That would be most excellent.
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Or not. Unfortunately nothin' is that simple.

As with almost anything in life, a change in game or outlook can call for adaptations in strategy.

What I see looming is health care workers having to face heavy workloads yet again...
My point was that many currently have it, & because they get tested with such frequency that it'd be easy to get a picture of how long it takes (for young athletes anyway) to be clear of Omicron. That could give some insight into whether the length of quarantine ought to be adjusted.
Apparently the NBA has a new strategy to avoid forfeiting games because of omicron. They are hiring G league players to 10 day contracts to play as long as needed and healthy.

The G league players get paid more for playing 10 days in the NBA ($50k) than for a whole season playing in the G league ($38k), but that's the old ball game. They are also bringing back some old retired players for one last tango in the big show. This does not bode well for the level of play, but some geezer ball might be interesting to watch (speaking as an old geezer).

Apparently the NBA has a new strategy to avoid forfeiting games because of omicron. They are hiring G league players to 10 day contracts to play as long as needed and healthy.

The G league players get paid more for playing 10 days in the NBA ($50k) than for a whole season playing in the G league ($38k), but that's the old ball game. They are also bringing back some old retired players for one last tango in the big show. This does not bode well for the level of play, but some geezer ball might be interesting to watch (speaking as an old geezer).

The Atlanta Hawks (the team I follow, being an Atlantan) currently have 9 players in the covid protocol--they managed to beat Philly last night down 6 players, & I'm curious to see what their Christmas game against the Kinicks looks like!
Or not. Unfortunately nothin' is that simple.

As with almost anything in life, a change in game or outlook can call for adaptations in strategy.

What I see looming is health care workers having to face heavy workloads yet again...
You're giving the government much too much credit. haha

Yes, after firing healthcare workers for not complying with bullshit mandates, of course workloads will be heavier, especially in communist NYC.
Yes, after firing healthcare workers for not complying with bullshit mandates, of course workloads will be heavier, especially in communist NYC.

And some of those fired workers in NY are being replaced by FEMA employees who do not have a mandatory "vaccination" requirement.

The objective is to replace medical workers having a conscience with psychopaths who will carry out the death cult's orders. Those claiming religious exemptions are the #1 target for dismissal.

We are in a spiritual war with evil. You can either "go along to get along" and be consumed or not go along. Pick a side.
And some of those fired workers in NY are being replaced by FEMA employees who do not have a mandatory "vaccination" requirement.

The objective is to replace medical workers having a conscience with psychopaths who will carry out the death cult's orders. Those claiming religious exemptions are the #1 target for dismissal.

We are in a spiritual war with evil. You can either "go along to get along" and be consumed or not go along. Pick a side.
Merry Christmas Wayne... what a beautiful seasonal sentiment

The Atlanta Hawks (the team I follow, being an Atlantan) currently have 9 players in the covid protocol--they managed to beat Philly last night down 6 players, & I'm curious to see what their Christmas game against the Kinicks looks like!
Atlanta used to have a rivalry with the Knicks but neither team are even distant memories of their former glory, the fans probably still remember. Dominique Wilkens was a respected big man in the league back when... For a while it was interesting to watch Trae and Schroder play some good 2 man small ball but they traded Schroder away (he probably wanted to win a championship somewhere). Trae was able to step up and take more shots after Schroder was traded away creating more offensive opportunities, so his stats improved.

With a more realistic shorter omicron quarantine protocol you might have Trae back on the court already.

Atlanta used to have a rivalry with the Knicks but neither team are even distant memories of their former glory, the fans probably still remember. Dominique Wilkens was a respected big man in the league back when... For a while it was interesting to watch Trae and Schroder play some good 2 man small ball but they traded Schroder away (he probably wanted to win a championship somewhere

I couldn't remember for sure, but Schroder was traded a month after Trae was drafted, so they never played together. And I'm not sure that the NBA protocols could be much more forgiving & still work. The NFL, on the other hand, appears to have given up on having any meaningful covid policy. I'm not sure it'll make that much difference with omicron anyway.
800,000 is admitted fiat "died with" numbers (Birx April 2020)
don't let them gaslight everyone into thinking that anyone more than the outlying edge cases are dying "root cause" from a SARS-CoV-2
don't believe me see the CDC and ask how many died that tested negative for Influenza and didn't also have pneumonia..

Happy Hodl days everyone

hey asking for frens: when Joe says "you can celebrate if you're vaccinated" does he mean double vax'd or double vax'd and boosted or double vax'd + boosted + still got sick (sniffles) or what exactly as Israel is pimping a 4th shot now (ha! flu shot fiat game) and who wants to place actual money on it ending there? Who wants to make some odds?


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I couldn't remember for sure, but Schroder was traded a month after Trae was drafted, so they never played together. And I'm not sure that the NBA protocols could be much more forgiving & still work. The NFL, on the other hand, appears to have given up on having any meaningful covid policy. I'm not sure it'll make that much difference with omicron anyway.
yes my memory is apparently flawed, you are a better hawks fan than I (I'm not actually a fan of the Hawks, and apparently a bigger fan of Schroder's play than other NBA team owners). After Trae was drafted by Dallas and traded to the hawks they had 3 point guards (Schroder, Young and Lin), so needed to scrape off excess salary cap, while I don't see a problem with two point guards. Schroder is now with the Celtics after some bouncing around and Lin is now with the Beijing Ducks.

New drinking game is watching Christmas NBA games to see old timers on the court and G leaguers.

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