the new "only" Covid thread

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POTUS apparently rang the bell declaring that the COVID pandemic is over...

I somehow doubt they will release policies put in place because of COVID.

The WH may walk this back too, like his declaration to defend Taiwan against China.

1. I typically avoid this thread because the signal to noise on COVID has gone significantly downhill here.
2. I pop in to find discussion of abortion?
it was a discussion of liberty/freedom but abortion served as a fair example.
3. Outside of cases of health and safety of the mother, who is advocating for late term abortions?
I found this list on the WWW
WWW said:
States that allow for late-term abortions with no state-imposed thresholds are Alaska, Colorado, District of Columbia, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, and Vermont.

The Dobbs decision pushes this back to the states to decide.

I am uncomfortable arguing about this since I can not get pregnant, no matter what some wokesters think. :rolleyes:
4. Is your comment anything more than misdirection from the actual laws that have been put in place since Dobbs, and a misdirection from the actual position of the GOP?
No, it was a thoughtful observation. I am not trying to open this can of worms, but I am not afraid of disussions.

I am disappointed that Sen Graham has proposed a 15 week federal abortion ban law. He seems well intentioned but this is bad politics for the current climate especially since SCOTUS has already spoken on the topic.
LOL! Very unbiased site.

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): COVID Aftermath | International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research

"Authors are free to offer hunches, inferences, and hypothetical conclusions based on their own best judgment"

"This issue invites papers for peer-review addressing the known and expected consequences of the ongoing COVID-19 genetic experiments aiming to get nucleated cells in recipients of the EUA “vaccines” to manufacture the COVID spike protein. Scientific research into the mRNA code of the spike protein itself and studies of protocols for alleviating the so-called “side effects” of the experimental ingredients being injected into billions of people during of the ongoing world-wide experiments are also welcomed."

What is in the so-called COVID-19 “Vaccines”? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity: David Hughes

A Partial Answer to the Question Posed by David A. Hughes, PhD, in the Article: “What is in the so-called COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity

I have a "hunch" most of this is just full of shit.
Danger crazy doc
www said:
California Assembly Bill 2098, passed Aug. 29 by the California Senate and now awaiting Gov. Gavin Newsom’s signature, would subject doctors and others to disciplinary action — including having their licenses to practice medicine in California suspended or revoked — for spreading COVID-19 “misinformation.”

If the virus jumps species to humans, the vaccine won't protect them...

Sometimes, it helps to read the article.
If the virus jumps species to humans, the vaccine won't protect them...
Yup, probably even more out there that existing vaccines won't protect. The headline seems written to instill fear,
Sometimes, it helps to read the article.
This is a little like the gain of function research, why seek out such viruses?

Maybe they should advise human's to avoid those caves.

If the virus jumps species to humans, the vaccine won't protect them...

Sometimes, it helps to read the article.
Different viruses, not variant of SARS-Cov2. Why would there be an expectation that the "vaccines" (which only produce a response to one specific protein on SARS-Cov2) would work for other viruses?
The infection method is the same.

We found that the spike from virus, Khosta-2, could infect cells similar to human pathogens using the same entry mechanisms, but was resistant to neutralization by serum from individuals who had been vaccinated for SARS-CoV-2.

That is bad news:

Our findings further demonstrate that sarbecoviruses circulating in wildlife outside of Asia also pose a threat to global health and ongoing vaccine campaigns against SARS-CoV-2

Of course, that's in the summary, but if you can't read...
The infection method is the same.
That means nothing. If this other virus does not have the same spike protein, then the "vaccines" for Covid-19 which only produce an immune response for that specific protein will obviously do nothing to protect you from it.

That is bad news:
It is obvious hype.

Of course, that's in the summary, but if you can't read...
I read it quite well. Perhaps a review of basic human immune response would help you to filter out chaff like this article. Would you expect the Covid "vaccines" to protect you from other viruses? Why?
If you read the summary, it should be clear.

The majority of the sarbeco viruses do not infect humans. Khosta-2, however, uses the same infection mechanism as COVID. And that's why it potentially will infect humans if it jumps species. Jumping species seems to happen far more than was assumed in the past, historically speaking.

One could hope that the vaccine would block it because the spike proteins are the same. Unfortunately, this study shows that isn't true. Something to keep an eye on, I'd think?
Surprising that the liberal freaks at Yahoo News published this...
“Defendant FDA has improperly exploited misunderstandings about the legality and prevalence of off-label uses of medication, in order to mislead courts, state medical boards, and the public into thinking there is anything improper about off-label prescribing,” AAPS writes in its amicus brief to the court. “Not only is off-label prescribing fully proper, legal, and commonplace, but it is also absolutely necessary in order to give effective care to patients.”

“It has never been proper for the FDA to interfere with that essential part of the practice of medicine, and the FDA knows it,” AAPS informed the court. The FDA “insisted and continues to insist on interfering with the prescription of this safe medication by physicians in treating Covid-19,” AAPS added.

AAPS General Counsel Andrew Schlafly pointed out to the court that the FDA “has engaged in a campaign of interference with the proper use by physicians of ivermectin, which has long been approved as fully safe for human use.” He alerted the court that once the FDA approves a medication as safe, then physicians have full authority to prescribe it to treat any illness, particularly a novel virus like Covid-19.

We will beat this dead horse until the people who committed this mass fraud - and murder - go to prison.

We will never forget what they did. Never.
“Of the 10 million users within V-safe, 7.7% of them had to seek medical care after vaccination. That is an incredibly high percentage, it appears to me,” Siri said."

"7.7 required medical care, talking about emergency rooms, hospitalizations. And on top of that, another 2.5 million, we’re talking 25% missed work or school or had bad reactions to the vaccine,” Gallagher said.

The "horse" is far from dead it appears. Biden has signed an EO authorizing more gain-of-function bioweapon development along with parallel development of mRNA "vaccines."

We're not done with Covid and democide.
During the COVID-19 EU hearing, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on its ability to prevent transmission, contrary to what was previously advertised.

They lied to you.

Those of us low-IQ low-information conspiracy-theory "retards" who've been calling BS on this since the very beginning are looking like freakin' geniuses.
They lied to you.

Those of us low-IQ low-information conspiracy-theory "retards" who've been calling BS on this since the very beginning are looking like freakin' geniuses.
But will they ever admit that the Covid vaccines are potentially harmful?

..because you know, it's normal for healthy people to drop dead from 'heart issues'.

Proof of vaccination? Vaccine passports? Mandates? Do it protect other? Suckers..
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And this from the EU. They had to move at the "speed of science" to make a profit before people figured out the reality. And, largely, the governments of the "free world" went along, didn't bother to ask, or hid the truth. For what?

<edited to add>
And the speed of actual science is slow because it requires careful experimentation and documentation, open publication and peer review, and independent experimental validation. None of this was done. Total BS.

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts."
-- Richard Feynman
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