A Democracy too far?

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hodad said:
JohnRoberts said:
Obama being bullied, is laughable, he is the president practicing Chicago rulz from the big chair ("They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That's* the *Chicago* way! "). While I suspect the characterization that he is the victim in this may play well to some sympathetic demographics.
Don't I post enough, you have to put words in my mouth?
Yet another tired stereotype, to go along with being a Saul Alinsky radical,
Saul Alinsky is a famous community organizer, who Hillary wrote about at Wellesley, and is credited with influencing Obama, also a community organizer in Chicago.  His book Rules for radicals is pretty self explanatory and worth being aware of (the rules at least). It helps explain some behaviors.
closet Muslim, etc.
Huh? I am not that petty, while the mud slingers in the partisan trenches no doubt went there in the heat of political battle. Again not a smart strategy. The voters who would fall for that nonsense probably were not voting for him anyhow.  Sensible moderate voters were probably turned off by such strategies.
From the left, I assure you that Obama often comes across as a weak-kneed compromiser,
Indeed you can't be all things to all people and his speeches promise everything to everybody. That is why i advise to not listen to his words and watch what he does. I am disappointed since I thought there would be more of a backlash against his over-promising, but I was wrong. Media still gives him the benefit of the doubt even if the far left does not, and unions are not feeling loved, and all those enthusiastic college students who can't find jobs to pay off their loans, etc. 
although he has a knack for salvaging things when all seems lost (part of his style).
?? Syria? he was bailed out by Putin because it was in Putin's interest. We'll see if there was any quid pro quo involved in that. The shift in tone with Iran smells funny, but this is still a developing story and I do not know exactly where it is going.

Not to mention China making hay at the big economic conference in the pacific with obama conspicuously absent and China telling everybody that maybe the dollar should not be the reserve currency.  I give the republicans partial credit for devaluing our international credibility on this one.
This could well have been a case of "give 'em enough rope & they'll hang themselves."
That's an old english proverb and a good one while perhaps not in this case. .
Which may prove to be effective.
Or they ran the game of chicken up until the last minute before nominal default and the republicans blinked.

Obama is the more polished politician, an effective speaker, with the bully pulpit, and media in his pocket. He won this round by losing less popularity than the others, but it wasn't much of a contest. He is still a lame duck, but the republicans hurt their party again for 2014 mid terms, just like the last government shutdown. The public doesn't follow the day to day ebb and flow of politics so are easily swayed by opinion leaders in the press who are working to pin this completely on the entire republican party. 

For the republicans, those who don't study history are destined to repeat it.  duh,,,


roberts, It's not both sides dude, own it! your right wing talking point blathering, and false equivalency is nauseatingly predictable, your point by pointless rebuttals are vomit inducing! Tea party republicans have flown the coup, their dog whistle racism, ignorance and hypocrisy know no bounds, and you are an apologist for the disfunction. As it stands right now, democrats with their many flaws, are MUCH better american citizens than so called tea party republicans, upwards of 100 house repubs voted to NOT pay our bills, in effect, destroying the US and world economy, exactly like retarded jihadists, who will blow them selves up for their wacko causes, they also cost the US economy upwards of 24 billion $ in losses with their POINTLESS games(well, i guess not totally pointless, it exposed their insanity to more oblivious citizens). Republicans in their current state, are feckless, ignorant, pernicious demagogues, they pander to the dumbest of the dumb, reasonable conservatives better take back their party or the GOP is finished.

BTW, mr survival of the fittest, if you called my brother "non essential" to his face, he'd eat you! you have some balls calling someone non essential, mr "i do nothing but post bs on the net all day". but i know your chicken hawk type would roach away from that confrontation, you'd run straight to government employed police to protect your sorry ass, like any good hypocrite would. SMH, you need a lot of practice on your claim that "i'm human"

I apologize for over reacting to you calling my brother "non essential", "i'm human" after all... ::)
tonycamp said:
roberts, It's not both sides dude, own it! your right wing talking point blathering, and false equivalency is nauseatingly predictable, your point by pointless rebuttals are vomit inducing! Tea party republicans have flown the coup, their dog whistle racism, ignorance and hypocrisy know no bounds, and you are an apologist for the disfunction. As it stands right now, democrats with their many flaws, are MUCH better american citizens than so called tea party republicans, upwards of 100 house repubs voted to NOT pay our bills, in effect, destroying the US and world economy, exactly like retarded jihadists, who will blow them selves up for their wacko causes, they also cost the US economy upwards of 24 billion $ in losses with their POINTLESS games(well, i guess not totally pointless, it exposed their insanity to more oblivious citizens). Republicans in their current state, are feckless, ignorant, pernicious demagogues, they pander to the dumbest of the dumb, reasonable conservatives better take back their party or the GOP is finished.

BTW, mr survival of the fittest, if you called my brother "non essential" to his face, he'd eat you! you have some balls calling someone non essential, mr "i do nothing but post bs on the net all day". but i know your chicken hawk type would roach away from that confrontation, you'd run straight to government employed police to protect your sorry ass, like any good hypocrite would. SMH, you need a lot of practice on your claim that "i'm human"

I apologize for over reacting to you calling my brother "non essential", "i'm human" after all... ::)

tonycamp said:
roberts, It's not both sides dude, own it! your right wing talking point blathering, and false equivalency is nauseatingly predictable, your point by pointless rebuttals are vomit inducing! Tea party republicans have flown the coup, their dog whistle racism, ignorance and hypocrisy know no bounds, and you are an apologist for the disfunction.
I have been consistently opposed to threatening the Borrowing Authority.  That was bad judgement to allow the CR debate to run into the BA, and played into the democrat's hands by allowing them to characterize the republicans as irresponsible.

BTW your overuse of hyperbolic pejorative tends to confuse any actual discussion. Don't worry about me, I can ignore most of your words.
As it stands right now, democrats with their many flaws, are MUCH better american citizens than so called tea party republicans, upwards of 100 house repubs voted to NOT pay our bills, in effect, destroying the US and world economy, exactly like retarded jihadists, who will blow them selves up for their wacko causes,
It is a routine calculation usually by the minority party for some to vote against raising the borrowing authority to get on record as being against it to gain political currency, while never actually expecting to default. You may not recall or conveniently forget, the then junior IL Senator Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling when Bush was president. I guess he should share in the same characterization (I won't repeat it, because it is silly) that you make for the recent nay voters?   
they also cost the US economy upwards of 24 billion $ in losses with their POINTLESS games(well, i guess not totally pointless, it exposed their insanity to more oblivious citizens). Republicans in their current state, are feckless, ignorant, pernicious demagogues, they pander to the dumbest of the dumb, reasonable conservatives better take back their party or the GOP is finished.
I don't know how much it will cost us, but it sure was not worth all the negative PR just in time for 2014 midterms. The only tiny win was getting income verification for people claiming ACA credits.
BTW, mr survival of the fittest, if you called my brother "non essential" to his face, he'd eat you! you have some balls calling someone non essential, mr "i do nothing but post bs on the net all day". but i know your chicken hawk type would roach away from that confrontation, you'd run straight to government employed police to protect your sorry ass, like any good hypocrite would. SMH,
I can take care of myself but don't pick fights with strangers for no reason. He was deemed non-essential by his employer, your favorite administration.

I had to google SMH... maybe we can come up with an emoticon for that.
you need a lot of practice on your claim that "i'm human"
I feel pretty confident in that claim. More so than many I make.
I apologize for over reacting to you calling my brother "non essential", "i'm human" after all... ::)
I can forgive that... 

I find your stream of hyperbolic invective a poor attempt to be inflammatory.  Haven't you heard I'm a mellow fellow.  8)


PS I sent my rep an email complaining about the recent congress' behavior and got campaign blather in return.
I wonder what the brother actually does. . .  Someone's family member in the IRS had to audit me by mail because I "gave too much of my earnings to charity".  It cost me a day of work preparing the package but I found additional contributions during the receipt chase, re-filed and got some of my $$ back from the Death Star. Yeah!  Print more Monopoly money to make the difference you blobs!
The brother should quickly sock some cash and food away for his family because the DC pols merely kicked the can again. "The Can" is only a small lump of tin now because the prez and senate dems don't have the honesty to do more than vote CR's of George W. Bush"s last budget because they cannot survive actual appropriations bill debates.  The senate repubs are even lower.
I am calling the debacle Mcaincare now.  He owns it like the massive costs to Big Ins for sending men new prescription cards, men with no prescription coverage, for free birth control that does not pertain to them. Just one idiotic example of gov strangling biz
Seeya in early 2014!

Sen Paul just proposed an amendment that would require legislators to be subject to the laws they pass for us.. Amendments are incredibly hard to pass without huge popular support. I don't see politicians voting to take away their own perquisites.

Those crazy tea party guys.  While the amendment seems logical enough, as usual it isn't that simple, but an interesting point for discussion.
