Hi all!
I'm finished assembling my Mnats Rev J G1176. I powered it up to calibrate and of course it's not quite working - can I get some advice? It passes audio but won't calibrate. Something peculiar happened by chance: Output seemed low and had to be cranked to get audio through, also metering didn't seem right. As I was moving and measuring, the connection from Pad 7 on main board to the attack/rel pots snapped - I didn't see it right away.
Powered up again and metering was right, GR near zero, output metering correctly, and output volume was normal (didn't have to crank it)
Next, I discovered the broken connection and re-connected it. powering up again, I noticed output is low and meter stays to the far left in GR mode - like it is compressing many many db
In both cases I cannot calibrate the first step (Qbias)
Suggestions on where to start? Should I measure all the transistor voltages?