Gain Reduction Meter Tracking
1. Set the controls as follows:
Set to
Input middle
Output fully CW
Attack fully CCW (switched to OFF)
Release fully CW
Compression ratio 20:1
Meter mode GR
VR54 trimmer 1/4 turn from fully CCW
2. With no signal applied, adjust VR55 so that the meter reads 0VU.
3. Apply a 0.245Vrms (-10dB) 1kHz sine wave signal to the input.
4. Switch the meter mode to +4dB.
5. Turn the output level control CW until the meter reads 0VU.
Number 5 says turn output CW to zero-out the meter when above it says to start with the output pot fully CW.
Can i do the signal generating in PT?
Thank you for all the info,