Hi all!
I recently finished my Mnats 1176 rev J unit, and I’m struggling to get it to work correctly.
It’s passing signal and so on, the meter switch seems to be working (bypass, GR and VU),
as is the VU meter. But I’m not getting any good/strong compression out of it, and both the
attack and release switches results (if any, maybe I’m imagining) are VERY subtle
(the attack in particular).
I have checked gain reduction at the output and it seems to be quite low.
I have also done a signal trace following the instructions presented on this page:
The only signal I’m having problem in reading (maybe due to an old oscilloscope(?))
is the signal at the D3/D4 junction. All the rest are good and correspond well with those presented
on the above web page. The diodes seems to be fine when checked, as is the signal level on the anode
of the diodes. If I lift the cathode I have a fair signal there as well. But if I solder them down to the pcb
again, I’m not really seeing anything (but then again, this could be my scope). I have checked my ratio
board for shorts, solder blobs, and so on but I can’t find anything.
One interesting thing is that if I’m following the calibration procedure that Mnats presents in video form
on his page (http://mnats.net/1176_revision_d.html), I can get along with the Q Bias adjustment,
which gives me zero on the VU meter and +4 at the output. The next step is to calibrate the GR meter
tracking adjustment. I zero the VU meter in GR-mode, then lifting the ground from the GR circuit as in
the video, the meter falls short of the -10db mark. Mnats then says to increase (CW) the input control
to allow the meter to reach -10db, I can’t do that. If I increase (CW) the input the meter rises again
towards zero. I have to turn it down (CCW) to get the meter towards -10db and that’s is the other way
around compared to what is shown in the video (the input pot is wired correctly). Any ideas on this?
Seems like I’m not going “up” in gain reduction. Could my bias adjustment be off somehow?
Or am I short of signal level? The resistor network on the GR switch/ratio board seems to be fine.
ANY ideas greatly appreciated as I am out of them