The gurus around here might do with a little more information. Did you go a transformer or non-transformer for the input? If a transformer, which one? What trannie on output?
Hi Astrovic, ok non-transformer input and an OEP output for this 1. The next one will have both OEP's input and out. I did voltage check it already and i'm seeing the same results as the 1st, lower voltages of about .8V across the board. Is this normal or should i be closer to those on the check plot?
Sorry no pics as of now but will take some when both units are done and i'll post. Man just so happy i got this working. I remember 2 years ago, reading the threads, wishing i could build 1 but was so intimidated not having any electronic skills and knowledge to tackle a project like this. It was only when i started to build that i got to appreciate ten fold what Gyraf and Mnats have done here, very gateful for that.
I hope my story will encourage newbies and future DIYers who are still on the fence as i was 2 years ago. Just do it, be meticulous about it, check, double check, triple check....If i can do it (of all poeple), so can you!!! :wink: