man, i never saw those in there! i wouldn't have bought them, but i'd be proud of finding them, and i'd have asked to plug em in ;]
i honestly wish i could remember why my vu's pegged on my units... it happened just as you have happening, but i dont remember what fixed it for me.
what i do remember doing, however, is going through and checking every single resisitor with the chart on two units. and it solved something.....
and then i had the magic fet, that would begin to indicate GR on the meter when, and only when, a finger or metal probe was in close proximity to, but not touching, the fet.... it was some loose spot somewhere, no ground, something like that.... i think that may have been the socket i used.... i think i replaced the sockets and had much better luck.
if you dont decide to put some in, solder them high, so you can get in there and clip em quick n easy and replace.
I went through around 10 or 20 FET's, but i was attempted to stereo match... which ended up not working as well as i hoped ;]
but alas, i have two great working units here.... now to try this alternate input tranny i wound, find out what its made of ;]
with the qbias, first get your signal, something steady and sinuous, in the neighborhood of 850mV rms (multimeter) or 1.2 Vpeak to peak on the oscope. Approximately that ballpark. Plug the output of the g1176 into a daw input and meter in PT or something that works for you.... adjusting input and ouput, and get it to +1db on the DAW meter.
then, go ahead and and turn the qbias all the way down, counter clockwise. eventually, you'll get nothing.
then you can turn it up until you get 0db on the DAW meter.
Try and let the unit warm up for a good bit first, 30 mins at the least.