I began my "modern mics" collection by buying some sE Electronics, the upper quality ones (or supposed to be) attracted by their "capsules are chosen and mounted by hand" slogan (for the most expensive models).
I had sE8 pairs in cardio & omni and this mic is really great (great also for the quality/price ratio)
I had also an X1S pair and a sE2300 pair. What I can say is that their electronics are great, silent and well designed with full cms components, but the capsules are to sibilant and lack personality. I never understood why they put so average quality capsule while they can go a step beyond and spend a few $ price rising and so really improve their products. It seems that their capsules are not better than the average one you can find on AliEx for ~20€.
I sold my X1S pair as my sE2300 pair. Because they were too sibilant and bright.
About sE2300 (~370€) you get better result with P420 second-hand or t.bone SC1100 brand new for less than half price. It's no more for sale @ Thomann and I guess sE wants to replace it with sE4400 or T2 (but sE2200 is still for sale)
About X1S (~160€) there's choice of better sounding mics in this price range (Studio Project B1 & B3 / Rode NT1 / Lewit LCT240)
But a sE8 pair (~400€ in omni) is a real good pair (that I replaced by Line Audio Omni1 which I like best)
my two cents...'