Calrec PQ 1061

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I'm planning on offering PCB's - either that or maybe Gustav/Fabio can fab them at a later date. I think Fabio offered a long way back in this thread?

I want to fully test it out before I document the project to the group. I am currently deciding the best way to offer this.

Initially I was going to split the Pre and EQ up but leave the EQ unbalanced with an insert point into the pre before the output amp/TX. Now I'm going to leave facility for the EQ to be used stand-alone with either TX input or electrically balanced and an extra o/p fader. The pre will feature 990 footprint amps. I'm in the middle of sorting out an amp which is essentially like TK's GainBloaks (they share a similar topology to the Calrec B series amps) which are more heavily biased into Class-A and use common available transistors unlike the B amps.

The EQ will have 990 footprint input buffer and output amp to drive TX. All filter amps are on the mainboard.

Input transformers can be mounted on-board and I plan to use Cinemag CMOB-2 outputs so there is a choice of steel, 50/50 or Nickel. I hope to compare the Cinemag Nickel to the Calrec Sowter Nickel one. The Sowter cannot PCB mount, is too big for one proposed format and its also very expensive at around £60 ($120!). So I think the Cinemags offer cool variety at the right price. If you get a 1061 from Averill they use Jensens on the O/P anyway as the transformers are mounted outside of the module when used in a console.

There are pads for tants or Radial Electros in coupling positions, (I'm planning on Elna Silmic/Cerafine).

Tants plus Steel for what I expect to be a more vintage tone and Radials plus Nickel for a more open sound. The idea is flexibilty - o/p tx choices, cap choices, amp choices....

The EQ should use Sowter Neve Inductors or DIY wound RM10/12 cores - pads for both.

Erm what else, I have pcb mounted switches and pots on pre amp plus maybe a tricolour led meter based on PRRs musings a while back....if I sort it.

Not sure whether to pcb mount eq switches as it ties user into a specific switch.

Now the crisis I'm having at the mo is:

What formats - I wanted to make it such that one could do a full strip or a pair of pres or EQs in 1U, 2 full channels or 4 pres in 2U with 6-8ch of pre or EQ in 3U. err horrible sentence that! :green:

However I have also been planning on a sub-rack system. I got a spec for one in my mind which turns out to be similar to the modules TK at vintagedesign is offering but 6+1ch in 3U instead of 8.

Module spacing would be the same as the new Chandler stuff:


However there is talk behind the scenes of an open standard backplane that offers everything needed and then some. It would be a great platform for DIYers to grab a hold of when it arrives. So I'm not sure whether to go for that.....aghhh only prob is it will likely be 8 ch and require slightly smaller more expensive switches such as Elma01 to fit....

how would you like to build yours? What appeals to you?
I could use the clarity as this spins around in my head and I can't really talk to anyone to get it out!!! My GF doesn't understand this stuff - just stares at me with the sound of wind flowing thru her brain!

Aghhh I'm blabbering.......gotta go fire up the BBQ!! woo

Been too rammed with work lately but I'm finishing this friday (hopefully).

Not sure about backplanes as I'm waiting to hear thru the grapevine so to speak. But I've decided its easier to not bother with that as the transformers are too big to cram in to the format without fab'ing custom brackets etc.

I promise to get on this asap...

Hi Everyone,

I know there has been no activity on this thread for a long time, i was just wondering what happened?

Ive just recently bought 2 1061's and im putting them in a 1U rack, i was interested to see some builds if you guys did any clones.

TomWaterman said:
Been too rammed with work lately but I'm finishing this friday (hopefully).

Not sure about backplanes as I'm waiting to hear thru the grapevine so to speak. But I've decided its easier to not bother with that as the transformers are too big to cram in to the format without fab'ing custom brackets etc.

I promise to get on this asap...


Never too late to honor your promise  ;D
Sorry dudes hadn't been checking the thread in a while, too busy with day job and life etc, ended up buying some real ones.

I shall hence forth never make promises online again! ;-)

I can send all I have to whoever wants to carry it on. There is a schematic that with some tweaks will serve the mic pre section, if you want this style of EQ it seems there are some
wonderful options out there now ala diy Neve.

I wish I could have finished this off but I just don't have the time.


Awww shame  :(

I dont really have the skills to take it any further but was looking forward to building some one everything was ready.

I have 2x 1061's and wanted to get a few more and this project would have been great.

Hopefully somebody with the right skills will pick it up,

in the meantime il have a look for a Neve Pre project to plan instead.


Sure, I can compile it all, currently split across a few hard drives and upload asap.

I am still working on a preamp design inspired by the calrec idea but I got less interested in a direct clone and as I have no time frame of completion, I am just tweaking it as I go. A direct Calrec clone should be pretty easy with the old rev 3 schematic I did a while ago. Just needs a full board layout. The iron is available from Sowter. I did have a version of the opamp running with off the shelf transistors too... just have to find all my notes. I was loooong time ago.

If no-one has any objections, I'd love to take this project and continue it on.

I will be building 4 Calrec 1061 channels by hook or by crook as I need some awesome discrete EQ, and this fits the bill perfectly.
I'll keep you all posted on progress, but I'll be attempting a 2u rack version of 4 of the Pre/EQ sections.
I'll be compromising whatever I need to to fit the space and my budget, so you can expect some change to the original circuit to compensate.

I won't guarantee a time-frame, and I might be modding stuff for my own purposes ( so I'm not about to guarantee that it'll be 100% authentic ) but it should sound amazing regardless of what final form it takes ( whatever I change won't be at the cost of the sound - if I have two options, I'll choose the one that sounds the best to my ears ).
I'll be starting with some tests on the B-series DOAs I'm building most likely this weekend, so I will keep you all posted.

If anyone has any special info not already mentioned please feel free to send it my way, but I will share everything I come up with on my website, which I'll provide posts to later, and link to it from here.

I will supply every detail of the build, all circuit experimental data, and the Eagle PCB files for everything as I go.

Again, it's probably not entirely in keeping with the nature of the initial thread, but, it's going to be a Calrec 1061 of some form, that's for sure ;-)

Hopefully some of you out there get excited again about this one and can lend a hand.  More to come soon....
Thanks TomWaterman, that would be awesome!

Just to follow on from this, I've already had some progress.
I've managed to track down bulk quantities of the same, or close-enough-not-to-worry-about transistors for the DOAs.

I'm going to Eagle up a DOA board tonight, and build some test devices over the weekend to see if I got it right!
I'll report back with my findings.

Before that however I need to iron out some strange simulator results for the DOAs.
They are not behaving in simulation as I'd expected ( LT Spice tolerances being considered ).
But I'm sure there's a good explanation for that.
Cause I am an impatient person without much spare time on their hands, I went ahead and designed the DOA boards last night  8)
Due to the use of modern parts, it's about 1/2 the size of the original board, which means I should have no problems packing these modules into a tiny space.
I'll post up the revision 1 Eagles files for comment tonight when I get home from work.

I also got a quote on the original-spec transformers from Sowter ( which, after the initial shock, I've started to work in to the cost, which will now be a bit more than expected....  I may have to substitute different iron for the prototype due to funds, but, it IS definitely possible to make it completely identical to the original, it's just costly to do so.... ).

As for dual concentric switches with pots - I have a few crazy ideas.  If I go full-spec, I'd need to use the Janco Unique Combination rotary switch/pot combos like this:, however, not having a deference force budget, I'm going to go in one of two directions.  The first would be DIY concentric, like this:, which would be a deviation from the original design, but I'm not too worried about making the boost and cut stepped.  The other option is to not go concentric, and do a separate switch and pot per channel, but then front real-estate becomes an issue, so I'm looking forward to the design challenge.

I was considering building a full-suite of 8 of these as a front-end for a small-format mixer, but the cost of this means I'm gonna pair-back to 4 or maybe just 2 of them.

More to come soon....
I've got about 3 different possible variations that I am currently refining for a PCB design for the DOAs ( with them costing pretty much nothing at all being a key factor ).
I am also interested in doing two full designs.  One with just the pre ( and 3 DOAs ), and one with the Pre and EQ sections ( with 8 DOAs ).

It does look like I'll fit it into a 1/2 rack space quite nicely with room to spare.

Over the weekend I am going to CNC prototype them to see what people think.
I also finally managed to get the LTSpice simulations to start making sense last night and actually amplify!  For a while they kept acting as unity gain buffers regardless of the feedback values, until I woke up and realized that the feedback values from the circuit diagram are wacky....

Which leads me to a question.  For the first B202 in the preamplifier section, it's configured with what appears to be a 330K resistor to ground in the feedback loop.  Based on the values of the resistors forming the rest of the feedback voltage divider, all of the switch positions would be at or less than unity gain for that section....

So, either this is one weird design, or there are a bunch of printing errors or nomenclature that I'm just not getting there....  Can someone who has looked at this before please verify the resistor values?
If I change the 330K to a 330ohm resistor instead, I get some serious clean gain out of the simulations - hence I definitely think something is fishy....

Will hopefully have some more material to share by Monday, but it's looking really really cool.  Those DOAs are really awesome, the simulations make them seem like well-behaving, clean and symmetrical designs.  Very cool.
Here is the first board layout I've done that I'm vaguely happy with for the DOAs.
I'm investigating other ideas and layouts now.
I'd hoped to CNC a test board today, but I tried my hand at DIY anodizing of some rack panels instead, which took me all day and ate my time.
Will get to it soon and post images of the prototype boards once they make it to the breadboard!

OK, after learning up a little more LTSpice ( up till this point I've been pretty good with it, however the forced discovery of subcircuits and how to create and use them has really taken this project from giant no-way I can comprehend it mess, to neat, small, manageable circuit diagram ), the circuit is coming along nicely, with adjustments to make it all more cost-effective enough to actually build, including the addition of Phantom, input Pad etc. etc.

It'll take another two days or so to sort out the circuit, then I'll post it up for comments.

I'll be doing a run of about 50 DOAs on white PCB from Seeed Studios Fusion PCB service: - enough to make 4 1061's, if anyone wants to nab my leftover boards ( 8 per circuit * 4 units = 32, so I'll have 6 spare from that particular run ), just lemme know.

Just wanted to post an update to let people know I'm still plugging away at this in my spare time ;-)
etheory said:
OK, after learning up a little more LTSpice ( up till this point I've been pretty good with it, however the forced discovery of subcircuits and how to create and use them has really taken this project from giant no-way I can comprehend it mess, to neat, small, manageable circuit diagram ), the circuit is coming along nicely, with adjustments to make it all more cost-effective enough to actually build, including the addition of Phantom, input Pad etc. etc.

It'll take another two days or so to sort out the circuit, then I'll post it up for comments.

I'll be doing a run of about 50 DOAs on white PCB from Seeed Studios Fusion PCB service: - enough to make 4 1061's, if anyone wants to nab my leftover boards ( 8 per circuit * 4 units = 32, so I'll have 6 spare from that particular run ), just lemme know.

Just wanted to post an update to let people know I'm still plugging away at this in my spare time ;-)

Nice! Im interested!

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