Can someone point me in the right direction?

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Well-known member
May 24, 2013
Chicago, IL
I'm really sorry if this has been asked a million times, but I tried finding an FAQ or noob thread and just didn't see anything.

I'd like to tackle some of the great projects I see here, but all of these threads seem to require the reading of 50 or so pages of five year old information in order to get up to speed.  It's that just "paying my dues, suck it up" or is there a consolidated version somewhere?

I see references to people and articles that everybody seems to inherently know about without any further explanation.  I've been just reading and reading assuming it'll all make sense, but I'm beginning to think I'm the only one "not in on it" or something.

Where do I start?  It's all just a big maze, to be honest.

Thanks in advance for any help.  I really appreciate it.
JohnWatkins said:
I'm really sorry if this has been asked a million times, but I tried finding an FAQ or noob thread and just didn't see anything.

I'd like to tackle some of the great projects I see here, but all of these threads seem to require the reading of 50 or so pages of five year old information in order to get up to speed.  It's that just "paying my dues, suck it up"
I guess that's what you'll have to do. Very often, I read posts about a particular circuit (a Potter EQ, an Alice headamp, whatever) and I must admit I have to find the circuit they're referring to on the net or in my archive; one can't know everything by heart, I guess (or is it just me...and you?)
.or is there a consolidated version somewhere?
I see references to people and articles that everybody seems to inherently know about without any further explanation.
That's a very common occurence; some do it out of ingenuity, thinking everybody knows the "famous" circuit they're referring to, some others do that on purpose, thinking it places them above the unwashed... That's why I nearly always ask them to post a schemo or a link.
I've been just reading and reading assuming it'll all make sense, but I'm beginning to think I'm the only one "not in on it" or something.
You're not alone...
Where do I start? 
Whenever you're lost, googlethe circuit's reference, or look in the archive here;
or in one of the Project Specific Discussions
if you can't find it, ask the OP.
JohnWatkins said:
but all of these threads seem to require the reading of 50 or so pages of five year old information in order to get up to speed.

Just to add to the above, the information here doesn't go out of date. These aren't computers. The techniques, circuits and measurement data types haven't changed much in the last three decades. For tube stuff add 2-3 more decades. The rest is derivation.

It's safe to start from the beginning of a very old thread on this forum.
I can definitely sympathize - yeah its tuff until you start to get the terms and references - usually takes me a week of serious blog browsing before I get all the acronyms and who's who (like Volker is Silentarts - that took me a while) etc.....

One thing I have seen on other sites that I would really really like to see people do (especially) here (since this is for diy) is update the 1 post with the solution or edits etc....
they (well most) do this on tonymacx86 and oh my god what a difference it makes - I would pay for it!
I wind up more confused than informed at times after searching 10 pages of 10 different posts

think about how awesome that would be if everyone kept the 1 post updated
whiskeynipple0088 said:
I can definitely sympathize - yeah its tuff until you start to get the terms and references - usually takes me a week of serious blog browsing before I get all the acronyms and who's who (like Volker is Silentarts - that took me a while) etc.....
All I can say is whenever you feel lost, just ask the poster to explain; sometimes you'll run the risk of being considered a noob, but most of the times you'll get a friendly answer.
One thing I have seen on other sites that I would really really like to see people do (especially) here (since this is for diy) is update the 1 post with the solution or edits etc....
I think I understand what you want. You would like someone to put in the OP the entirety absolute solution. That poses a number of problems: When exactly is the solution complete? What happens if people disagree? Who would do that? a moderator? one of the posters? Who will decide that the solution is the right one?
One thing I have seen on other sites that I would really really like to see people do (especially) here (since this is for diy) is update the 1 post with the solution or edits etc....
I think I understand what you want. You would like someone to put in the OP the entirety absolute solution. That poses a number of problems: When exactly is the solution complete? What happens if people disagree? Who would do that? a moderator? one of the posters? Who will decide that the solution is the right one?
Yes the owner of the post would be responsible for updating and maintaining the 1st post.
Updates would include changes, lessons learned, solution etc.... All by original poster only.
The solution is how the owner of the post solved, built, etc...... it.
Opinions are irrelevant as justwhat they did for their project. (but I understand why you ask that as I have seen on Gearslutz pages and pages of pissing matches over such a simple thing)

like I said ive seen this in other sites and it is awesome - even if its a little behind it can save hours of digging - just suggesting it! I try to do it myself, it works more than it doesn't.
whiskeynipple0088 said:
Yes the owner of the post would be responsible for updating and maintaining the 1st post.
Updates would include changes, lessons learned, solution etc.... All by original poster only.
The solution is how the owner of the post solved, built, etc...... it.
Opinions are irrelevant as justwhat they did for their project. (but I understand why you ask that as I have seen on Gearslutz pages and pages of pissing matches over such a simple thing)
I can see how it may work somewhat for The Lab, although I doubt many posters would like to do it with the necessary care and thoroughness.
I've been on the tonymac forum and I haven't seen anything like you describe...
Anyway this forum is about education, not receipes. The journey is more important than the destination.
Would you like anything else with that?    ???

If you want things shrink wrapped and served up, either buy commercial stuff or kits which are specifically targeted at what you find acceptable ie. complete parts and an updated 'colour book' style of assembly manual.

Most things that are not very specific build threads for very supported kit builds are discussions, Having to read 50 pages or 5000 pages of them is the journey, not the inconvenience.

There are plenty of kit makers who cater specifically for your needs - but you would probably need to read 50 pages to find that out. Try the 'White market'. And perhaps be more specific about what you are wanting to achieve.

"Anyway this forum is about education, not receipes. The journey is more important than the destination."
well thats cool , I mean really cool    ..... Im just always late to the game and threads are old - and sometimes people get pissed cause I couldnt find the 3 yr old thread.
I wasnt trying to argue or anything or make a rule - just was so happy when I found threads that had consolidated the usefull info but only a few do it.