Hey Guys, just wanted to give you a update on the compressor. I got a chance to finally fire mine up today. I did a few tweaks but not much. Basically I just put a new meter scale in the meter and re calibrated the meter. Abe your PDF is wonderful!
(NOTE****If you are gonna use one of the scales form ABE's pdf you need to make it 50% the size of the pdf. I found that to work pretty nicely compared to the DBX 161 I have here.)
Ok, so after changing the few things with the meters I got to running sounds through the CLX. Right from the start I was impressed! Its very much a DBX 160 vu sound. I have a 161 here that I tested it next to and a pair of 160x's and a slew of other greta compressors. All of the DBX compressors have the same kind of sound but the VU's both just have ablot more vibe. The attack time or something is more musical. Plus when the VU's really grab down the Snap sound of the compressor is much more pleasing the the 160x's.
(NOTE*** I test all the compressors by multing them on my patch bay and then running them to different channels on ,y folcorm so it was a pretty Apples to Apples Comparison.)
Anyway the long and short of it is the CLX sounds great. The CLX is a little brighter and more present then the 161 VU. I have a few ideas why that may be.
1. Balanced vs. Unbalanced?
2. Brand new parts vs. 40 year old parts
3. THAT chip vs. OLD DBX chip.
I didn't try this because I am very happy with the sound of the compressor but if you want to try and get even closer to the vintage vibe I think I would try and mis adjust the trim on the that chip so it is a little dirtier. I think that would make the CLX so close you would have a hard time picking them out if you get you thres, ratio matched up.
Overall I think the CLX is a hair punchier then the vintage units but still has the grab and release (gooey) you want out of the DBX 160 vu. It also for some reason seems to have more flexibility in the pots then the 161 VU? Not sure why but, it seems to cover a little wider range all around then the 161 VU. By this I mean I have more adjustment range of the compression and shape of the compression. All the way form more to less and everything in between.
The more I compared the CLX next to the DBX 161 I prefer the CLX. For somethings I am sure the vintage unit would sound better but I think overall I am glad I own the CLX and my friend has the 161! I will be using these a lot on Kick and Bass!
Thanks Abe for the project. Now everyone else go finish yours these things are sweet!