Well-known member
Awesome! great to hear abe!
and congrats on the girl and the workshop move!!
and congrats on the girl and the workshop move!!
muffy1975 said:Team,
can we have some a/bs with this thing in and out of the chain with matched volumes?
What does it sound like. I don't think I've seen a project before with such little talk about said project's sound/behaviour.
I want to build this thing but really need to know what it sounds like.
Many thanks in advance
abechap024 said:Hi,
Yes, it depends greatly...It is probably my favorite compressor so far...just cause its definitely a sound I've heard before...very reminiscent of the '60s...really depends on what you throw at it though! It is not a subtle creature....well it can be I guess
I'll work on getting you some A/Bs my studio is in the middle of getting wired up....just moved it (well 3 months in now) to a new space.
BUT, will have BOM and SCHEMOs up soon
Rev 3 upgrades/changes:
1)RFI protection on inputs: yes! general housekeeping, needed this stuff.
2)NE5532 input and output chip: More chance for people to insert favorite chip opamp here, and cheaper than THAT/Burr-Brown inputs/outputs
3)Added Buffers to input stage and between the output interstage TX and the output opamp and sidechain: Help with not loading down of the secondary of the interstage transformer
4)Flipped the 2520 footprint so it is oriented the correct wayrobably drove some people nuts!
5)Still have option if people use input transformer and output transformer to have all discrete opamps in the signal path: for the "purists" aka those who have the budget.
6) fixed one of the Edcor transformer footprints for inter-stage transformers: the pin spacing was incorrect
7)Have the heaters on their own tap of the power transformer: less loading of the "+" rail
8) General improved layout, controls in front; i/o on back.
9) Changed heater connectivity to OFF board wiring. Heaters are still DC, so we don't have to worry about noise. But even a thin wire is better than a wide PCB trace, keeps increase the efficiency of the heater supply.
Hopefully its a great build for everyone!
Also will be including the free API 2520 bc550/bc560 base opamp PCBs...Should be a tasty flavor to add to this or other projects!
More to come.
abechap024 said:They are here!!
Thanks for the orders and general awesomeness of everyone involved in this project. Wouldn't of even gotten off the ground without your help. So thank you!!
Will be shipping orders out all this week