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Ivermectin , selamectin , what ever brandname its sold under is all about mg/kg , if you dose your dog with an improper balance per Kg it can drop dead or have neurological damage for the rest of its life , it may also get a way beyond spec dose by being in contact with another dog treated with said substance .
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Good find.

"At least 70% of the recent calls have been related to ingestion of livestock or animal
formulations of ivermectin purchased at livestock supply centers."
So 70% of 17 people? That's 12 people who called in? Or 70% of 23 including the 6 who just called to ask questions.That makes more sense... Nearly 2% of 1282 calls about “other” antihelmintics

...70% of those 23 ivermectin calls were about animal ivermectin including the inquiries...

.85% had mild symptoms?

I think we had like 30 ivermectin calls last month but I'd have to find it... So, anyone can just call in?
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That quote is the erroneous one put out by MS public health. The corrected one says 70% of the calls about ivermectin (however many that was) were about the animal form.

And yes - anyone can call poison control, starting at (800) 222-1222
The corrected one says 70% of the calls about ivermectin (however many that was) were about the animal form.
It was 23 people. 17 called after taking ivermectin (doesn't say which kind) and. 6 who were calling to ask questions..

So 16 of them (70%) were either calling to ask questions about animal ivermectin or had taken animal ivermectin.?

Are there currently any places that check hospitalizations for partilally vaccinated or is it just unvaccinated across the board if vaccination criteria isn't complete?

The article seems to lead into this by mentioning patients but it's not clear where the hospitalizations are broken down by partially vaccinated status.

I think I found it... Interesting... Partially vaccinated make up some of the hospitalizations... Was curious about that...

FL trending down so far.. Think we're at half the hospitalizations from a few weeks ago.. Icu use still high though....


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23 people.. Whoa!

How many liberals people are shooting dope and overdosing? Stop the presses!!
Nice tribalism not backed by information. Notice that the BLUE states with the three biggest cities in the US are nowhere near the top in overdoses per Capita. Then, take a look at the prescriptions per Capita...looks like a hillbilly, Ivermectin type doctor issue. I'm offensive in the name of helping others and society. You're just offensive.
These stereotypes about anti-vaxers seem stretched (untenable?), but that is not very surprising coming from that publication.

Lyn Wood and your "boy” DISGRACED NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR, Michael Flynn encouraged the "stereotypical" anti-vaxxers to harass the hospital. If only you would read the links...I had to listen to this sh*tshow unfold on my local news radio station, but whatever you see in MS and what you say must be the way it is...
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Never heard of CHR. This site used FL data that used to release more specific age groups. That stopped in June for more generalized age brackets.. Not sure what CHR data is good for.?


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Because someone categorizes opioid overdoses with "liberals". There's no data to back that up, quite the contrary, in fact. It's a situation that caused ONLY 50,000 deaths in 2019, as I can attribute well over half of the 660,000 deaths to "tough guys”, conspiracy theorists and "freedom" which are overwhelmingly attached to one party. I guess non-contagious addiction is a societal problem attached to liberals (code word for brown people) and freedom to spread contagion is a right. That's why.
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Because someone categorizes opioid overdoses with "liberals".
Says the person who categorizes everything as conservatives, republican, muurica, hillbillies, etc.. Without data to back it up. So enough of your ******** already. 🤡

There's plenty of 'data' to backup that liberal shitholes are literally overrun with human **** and junkies even Covid seems to keep away from the filth.
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There's plenty of 'data' to backup that liberal shitholes are literally overrun with human **** and junkies even Covid seems to keep away from the filth.
Ummmmm, you could have looked at the data upstream--WV has a horrible opioid problem and is MAGA country for sure. Same with rural Ohio, parts of Kentucky, etc. etc. And sure, you can find "liberal" places with opioid issues as well. But pointing at Portland while ignoring WV or OH doesn't change reality.

I'm not entirely sure why we're discussing opioid abuse on this thread--I'm sure I missed something upstream. As to COVID staying away from junkies--have you looked at WV's covid numbers this week?

Of course, it's a lot easier to deal with covid than with opioid abuse/addiction--too bad it ain't happening in WV.
There's plenty of 'data' to backup that liberal shitholes are literally overrun with human **** and junkies even Covid seems to keep away from the filth.
I'm begging for substantial data from you to prove that Covid seems to keep away from human ****, the filth and liberal **** holes... don't get upset that vaccination is the answer during your quest for knowledge...once again, offensive. Just so you know(since you're not on "social media"), you use of your emojis is just like most other conservative leaning people during "debates" on FB. Very adult-like.
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