Back on the case! Assembled the front end and and power amp/psu assembly on the bench, as it’s pretty much impossible to work live on the main board in situ in the housing.
Here’s a quick recap.
Digital input selector selects and routes all audio to main outs albeit low fuzzy volume.
Digital volume control works display, but doesn’t change volume.
All menus appear to be working correctly.
Checks I’ve done previously (no schematics)
1.PSU’s voltage checks and given (everything seems to be working (from a control point of view) I’m 99% sure we’re ok there.
2. Ive injected a signal directly into the PWR amps and they’re ok.
Latest checks…
3. Using the data sheet for the analogue controller chip, I’ve injected a signal on the audio output pins of the chip. I’ve got a fully variable signal through the op amp stages on the main board all the way to the output of the PWR amps
4. Injected a signal on the input pins.
Low fuzzy signal at PWR amp output
5. Checked analogue supply voltage to chip, approx 8V
6. Checked digital supply voltage (DVDD) to chip, approx 1.2V.
Data sheet doesn’t seem to give supply voltages, but does the DVDD supply seem low? I presumed around 3 to 5V, but not sure if that’s typical!
I’m still getting to grips with analogue electronics, never mind digital so excuse my layman’s terms.
Given the input selector is routing ALL inputs wether previously digital via a DAC or analogue line ins to the main analogue outs, it does indicate that the main controller is transmitting the correct data to the analogue controller chip but I suppose one still can’t assume that the correct data to vary the volume is not present on the data line, or the analogue controller chip is indeed faulty.
Is it more likely to be corrupt data and therefore a main controller issue, or the analogue controller chip partly faulty?
Dunno is where I’m at!!
At least a bit further down the road I suppose.