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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
Atlanta GA USA
Our benefactor, Prodigy-Pro, has been great to all of us GroupDIYers, there is simply no denying this fact. We all complain when the server is down/slow but the fact still remains that it's absolutely free for everyone that visits here. It's not free for Chae and Ethan since their work is practically donated to all of us and yet they never ask for anything from us.

I've personally purchased a good amount from Prodigy-Pro but feel that their business pays for their costs of doing business, not paying for the upkeep on an internet forum for moochers like us.

I've also personally enjoyed Chae's preamp projects a lot. I hope to see more in the future. I'm still gathering up front panels and will have their front panel service do my next few for sure.

This all just proves how stand-up these guys are and we should show them how much they mean to us around here by donating.

I was here since day one at GroupDIY, part of the transplants from that "other place". I've seen a ton of people come and go, most of which have given ideas and designs that are etched in time on this forum. These things I speak of have shaped a little community which for the most part is one of the most civil places I've ever seen on the internet, not to mention one of the most educational. I can't begin to name all of the members who have impacted me directly with their insight and opinions but it wouldn't have been possible without the forum. I feel that this place has taught me a lot about audio gear but it has even given me a lot to think about in other parts of my engineering career. It has truly changed my life for the better.

I don't know exactly how many true, non spam-bot, members we have here but if each one of us donates a couple dollars each that could be a substantial amount considering the large amount of registered users, so lets give them a little in return for the whole lot that they've given us.

I remember the old place fondly, and the worry when we thought that we had lost everything from there. So I totally agree with a donation, lots of small amounts do add up. If I use a credit card with Paypal does anyone know what they will take in transaction fees?
This place provides so much invaluable information. So it's nice to be able to give a little more than my two cents!
Donated a little something. :grin:

I'd also like to thank all the moderators and administrators for making this place a good place to be!
I'm thinking of one thing:

we have the black market, and some people do some money there.
for me I will add some donation amount in the future to everything I sell over this place.

I donated 50 cent for each sold (around 500) Poor Man PCB.
wasn't calculated in the sales price, but was possible and is fair.

for the future, to keep the forum alive, it wouldn't hurt anyone if, in example, me, Gustav, Purusha, PeterC, EdcorUSA and so on would just add one Dollar (or any other amount) to each PCB, order, whatever to donate it to this place.

just a thought
Sorry to hear about Prodigy-Pro going down Chae.

Good luck in the future to both you and Ethan.

I will have some spare Distressor knobs (20 ish) to sell on the black market when they arrive, how about this, I'll donate the money from the sale of those knobs to the forum?

I also have some other stuff to sell, which can be 100% donated to the forum.

How about a little auction to raise some cash?


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