
GroupDIY Audio Forum

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This is my 100th post!

Thought the best way to celebrate my addiction to this wonderfull place, was to make a little donation... Done!

Hopefully bumping this thread will have some positive effect. 3 post in September, 2 in October, 1 in November, and 2 in December... Come on guys!
And best wishes for 2009!

Thank you Svart for reminding us to show our gratitude.  i will donate a portion of the Orange 86 and other projects.
Svart said:
It's not free for Chae and Ethan...

i had a free forum too with around 1000 members. not much but i worked with adsense and advertising. this was a good way to get back the server costs and more. I have a lot of clients who do the same... Those forum projects usually should give operators a good personal plattform to push their own projects, getting lot of usable informations (for free) from the community, driving advertising and more. Donate money to keep the projects head above water is a monocarpic solution.....
Quote : "i had a free forum too..."
You HAD... I guess this means you don't have it anymore. So what hapened to the threads? Where had all the valuable information gone? Aren't the 1000 members who invested time in this forum a bit deceived from this lost? That's what we are trying to avoid here...

Quote : "i worked with adsense and advertising"
It is not the case here, and many people seems to find it refreshing, in this commercials-poluted web, to have a place free from advertizing...

Quote : "I have a lot of clients who do the same..."
Sure, there are a lot of others forums, and some of them are great, but there must be a reason why "The Lab" is the only one I check daily, and I must not be alone in this case! It must have something to do with the community spirit, and the commitment of some members. Donating is another way to show this commitment...

Quote : "Donate money to keep the projects head above water is a monocarpic solution..... "
One more good reason to bump this thread!
And btw, advertizing is too a monocarpic solution, because what hapens when you cannot earn more money from it? You close the forum and flush down a whole sharring community in the name of the holly dollar...

yeah you gave right points. My forum was a Database of Singers and Speakers, i storraged the archive to my intern adress-database. The site was not good programed and not save for hackers, so i had to close it.
I think it is a good idea that the people who earn money here should add some cent and give it to the diy host.
Other side, if i had a chance to get more informations about the two host people i would donate a litle bit money too cause i love this project here. Why not a link "about us" or something else to read about the idea and the beginning of this site and the owners  :)
hotbaby said:
Why not a link "about us" or something else to read about the idea and the beginning of this site and the owners  :)

This site started a long time ago...before Prodigy Pro.  Do a search for "Tech Talk".  There is a good long history of many of the folks that are still around here.  Our good hosts here came along and saved the day after a nasty divorce. Check out the Prodigy Professional website sometime if you interested in directly supporting their business.  I see tha tit is not as easlil linked as it was with the old PHP software.  Here is their site:
...yes i know the site. theres no impressum, no company info, no responsible person named,... only a hidden contact formular to anybody.
i wondered ones i saw this site. in germany it is not alowed driving a website without a responsible person or missing impressum... by the way

BUT between all missing company/person- Infos, there´s a Donate button ;) cool
Hello. i like the new Advertising-Method on this Diy site! I m shure you will have a good collaboration with Adsense and get all outgoes balanced.
You can put your Prodigy-Pro Forum Logo on the Google-Search site, that we can go back to the forum if we are on the search site. Its a long time ago i did it but you
can optimize very much on the google search site and the design (Logo, Colors, etc...). More user would use this search-tool and you could get more cash.
This place is very very useful to me. It's change my life really. I would love to donate, but i don't have paypal or even credit card. Is it possible to direct transfer from my bank account? Definitely i must donate someday.
Here is your chance to donate AND get something really cool as well!

All proceeds will be donated to Prodigy-Pro to help maintain this wonderful forum.

Here is a great opportunity to be the first to get your hands on a great new offering and help the forum!

A huge thanks should go to Mako (mnats) and Ed Anderson for their work in making this possible.

Happy bidding!

Echo North said:
Here is your chance to donate AND get something really cool as well!

All proceeds will be donated to Prodigy-Pro to help maintain this wonderful forum.

Here is a great opportunity to be the first to get your hands on a great new offering and help the forum!

A huge thanks should go to Mako (mnats) and Ed Anderson for their work in making this possible.

Happy bidding!

Big thanks to yourself, Ed and Mako for offering this semi-kit up. Awesome job guys! ;) Great cause for sure.

BTW, I am currently in the lead :)
Hi All,

Just a quick "bump" on this.  Only 2 days left and all proceeds go to the forum.

Stuffed revision F 1176 w/ kit:
