Entropy continued

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Nov 30, 2006
Hickory, MS
Folks who know me are familiar with my running battle against "entropy"

www said:
Entropy is a scientific concept, as well as a measurable physical property, that is most commonly associated with a state of disorder, randomness, or uncertainty.
For my purposes I redefine entropy as "everything breaks, sooner or later" and needs fixin...

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This is a picture of one of my two "franken lights" I began with a common solar driveway lamp and heavily modified it. The goal for back when I still played pick-up basket ball was to avoid my rain ditches while finding my driveway in the dark.

The major modification was to cobble together two solar battery charging panels in series to capture more sunlight energy, so lights would last later into the night. Another mod was I changed the inductor that sets LED light current. This made the discharge current lower so the modern high efficiency LEDs would stay lit longer. Another tweak was replacing the stock rechargeable battery with more mAhrs.

I am revisiting this franken lamp after years of reliable duty because I have noticed that one lamp is going dark sooner than the other. My first test was to pull the batteries and top them off with my bench charger. Night one both lamps were lit past my bedtime but that doesn't tell me much, night two one lamp crashed hours earlier than the other. For today's troubleshooting experiment #2 I have swapped the two batteries between units. It is currently raining and overcast but the franken lights with 2x solar panels can still gain some charge during cloudy weather. Tonight I will see if the same side goes dark early, if the problem follows the battery over to the other side that will suggest the easy remedy (replace battery). These batteries are 3 years old so maybe.... It isn't obvious what kind of fault could still work partially?

More troubleshooting to follow.

I figure I can put my 25 YO auto repair updates here.

Another week with the check engine light dark, so maybe that emissions system fault is finally fixed?

The next repair on my check list is to fix my odometer. Apparently the odometer gear set is driven by a small electric motor (sensing the ABS brakes wheel rotations, instead of a cable coming from the transmission). While this should be pretty reliable, the cheap plastic worm gear set fails after 25+ years. The replacement gears arrived yesterday but the specific torx bits I ordered at the same time are not arriving until monday maybe. I was sure I had at least one set of torx bits but can't put my hands on it so i ordered the size mentioned in the how to fixit video. The list of possible repairs is getting shorter.

Update on my franken lamp. Tonight because of not much sunlight today, both are already dark, but tonight the opposite side went dark first, so I suspect I have at least one weak battery... This is OK, they were 3 years old. Sounds like an easy fix.

I figure I can put my 25 YO auto repair updates here.

Another week with the check engine light dark, so maybe that emissions system fault is finally fixed?

The next repair on my check list is to fix my odometer. Apparently the odometer gear set is driven by a small electric motor (sensing the ABS brakes wheel rotations, instead of a cable coming from the transmission). While this should be pretty reliable, the cheap plastic worm gear set fails after 25+ years. The replacement gears arrived yesterday but the specific torx bits I ordered at the same time are not arriving until monday maybe. I was sure I had at least one set of torx bits but can't put my hands on it so i ordered the size mentioned in the how to fixit video. The list of possible repairs is getting shorter.

Sounds like a Volvo
I have to ask the signifigance of the blue stripe on the flag ,
hadnt seen it before ,
I have to ask the signifigance of the blue stripe on the flag ,
hadnt seen it before ,
That represents showing support for the police. I am not surprised that mainstream news ignores such public support.

That blue stripe flag was already replaced with one also supporting fire departments, military, and border security.

My newer flag with extra colors is already getting a little frayed around the edges and due for replacement soon. I just checked and it is barely one year old. :(


[edit- coincidentally today is law enforcement appreciation day so kiss a cop.....(figuratively) ;) /edit]

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I ordered some NIMH batteries for my franken light... There are japanese made batteries that claim 2100 charge/discharge cycles, or almost 6 years. These are more than 2x the cost of the Nicd that lasted 3 years, so not exactly economic. More current than needed but that should not be an issue. We'll see.

Apparently the cheap Nicds only claim 100 charge cycles or less.... :rolleyes:

I am not happy... I have my car dashboard torn apart and my instrument cluster in parts on my table. I have accomplished the hard parts and ready to put it back together with the new parts.

Arghhhhhhhh here is a picture of the new odometer drive gear already missing a few teeth. Maybe they figure missing teeth is normal for Mississippi. o_O

To add insult to injury I checked with one local car parts dealer , and a major web car parts seller... they both wanted more than $50 for this $10 set of nylon gears. Looks like I will be driving my car in red neck mode for a while.

I already ordered another gear set from a different seller, but I didn't tell seller #1. :-(

When I had my country mechanic replace my fuel pump and vapor flow solenoid... the solenoid I ordered from amazon was broken during shipping, so my mechanic had to buy another one locally. He had to pay $20-$30 more than I did from amazon...

I was not that surprised that my small town almost local car parts place was a rip off, but I thought Rock auto big internet merchant was supposed to have OK prices, they don't.

Of course cheap parts that don't work are not a bargain.

I am not happy... I have my car dashboard torn apart and my instrument cluster in parts on my table. I have accomplished the hard parts and ready to put it back together with the new parts.

Arghhhhhhhh here is a picture of the new odometer drive gear already missing a few teeth. Maybe they figure missing teeth is normal for Mississippi. o_O

To add insult to injury I checked with one local car parts dealer , and a major web car parts seller... they both wanted more than $50 for this $10 set of nylon gears. Looks like I will be driving my car in red neck mode for a while.

I already ordered another gear set from a different seller, but I didn't tell seller #1. :-(

View attachment 102920
Is it possible that whatever that gear drives is siezed? Was the old one broken? Did the new one arrive broken?
Is it possible that whatever that gear drives is siezed?
Was the old one broken?
disintegrated into several pieces. The worm gear on the motor driving the odometer cog was still ok, but the odometer cog gear was literally falling apart.
Did the new one arrive broken?
not broken per se but missing some 10-15% of its teeth (see picture I posted earlier).

I checked inside the sealed plastic bag and there were no spare parts. The part was manufactured wrong, or broken in handling before it was sealed inside the plastic bag.

Probably $0.10-$0.15 of plastic, sold by amazon for $10, and the same parts sold by repair shops for $50... If the price from a local repair shop wasn't more than 4x I might have bought one just to get my car put back together again but no... Did I mention I am cheap?

I bet if I took the car into a dealership for repair, they would have charged me $50 for the repair part.

Not many here feel the need to raise the national flag of a morning and tuck it back into bed at the end of the night ,
theres always the odd wingnut , pure as the driven snow , the sort theres no point in argueing with .
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Not many here feel the need to raise the national flag of a morning and tuck it back into bed at the end of the night ,
theres always the odd wingnut , pure as the driven snow , the sort theres no point in argueing with .
Does that mean you see no point in arguing with me? I'm OK with that. :cool:
I don't do revile or taps but put my flag up late morning and take it down early afternoon. I recall back when I was in the army standing in formation before the sun came up, and I making myself a promise to never do that as a civilian. So far I have a pretty good batting record on keeping that promise.

You can leave the flag up overnight if you have a spotlight on it, but nah...


PS; Another sunny day test of my franken-lights.... The suspect weak battery crapped out well before 8pm... the good (less bad) one worked until almost 11PM
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My franken lights are consistent... the weaker battery craps out before 8pm the better battery lasts until around midnight. My original design goal was for these to light all night and I expect the new batteries to bring these both back up to snuff... after they arrive.
My car is still sitting in pieces as I await my second order of odometer gears. The tracking number shows it on a truck that left southern FL yesterday. Delivery has been pulled in from next tuesday to tomorrow... (I hope).

[Update: parts scanned into and leaving Memphis this morning, so could actually arrive tomorrow (y) /update]

In the meanwhile I have been looking at other sellers. I found one that promised monday delivery (one day sooner than original Tues target) but that involved $25 shipping and handling, so pass.

What I find curious is the wide price range for these simple cheap parts. The highest so far was something like $85 and lowest for one of the two gears was $9. The first time I searched Walmart they offered a $77 price for the pair of gears, the $9 offer was a pop up ad for just one gear (the one I need) when I was searching, that's curious too. Walmart offered to ship it to my nearest Walmart store?

The only lesson I see from all this is that car part prices are all over the map... and it is worth the time to shop around, while admittedly my first purchase was too cheap to work. The $12 has already been credited to my account. Another downside to living in nowhere MS is that to return the bad part I would have needed to pay a $7 pickup fee, or drop it off at a UPS store. Since the closest one is 25 miles away, I just mailed it to them. The post office charged me almost $5 because it wasn't a flat envelope, still cheaper than the pick up.

So the drama continues, and car is still sitting.

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My auto repair drama continues.... I am feeling a little like Charley Brown when Lucy pulls away the football. Last week the part seller shipping advice improved the delivery estimate to Saturday (yesterday)..... According to the tracking scans, my package was scanned in Jackson, MS some 60 miles away 2:30AM Saturday morning. No updates since...

So I am now trying to plan for delivery tomorrow, unless Lucy strikes again.
[edit2- I just saw an in-transit scan at midnight this morning, so moving again. I could actually get it tomorrow. :unsure: /edit]

[edit: its been about a week, lets see if I remember how to put it back together... the good news is I have a youtube video /edit]

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It looks like Lucy yanked the football away again. :rolleyes:

The Saturday shipping target came and went with no car parts. Tracking scans got as close as Jackson, about 60 miles away. It was scanned Sat morning 2:30AM but didn't get touched again until another scan midnight last night. Jackson is only a couple hours away even on a slow USPS truck, but the latest SNAFU is that today is a postal holiday (MLK day).

Ironically perhaps it is looking like the package delivery will happen on the original date quoted 1/17, tomorrow. This would be better if they didn't announce that it was arriving 1/14 last week.

It is pretty difficult to actually talk with a human, even to email with one, when buying small stuff from Amazon. After I realized the first shipment of my speedometer gear was faulty I tried to contact the seller through their website contact form, but no response. The part was cheap enough but I declined to just buy again from the same seller so I ordered from a different seller on EBAY.

I requested a refund from Amazon for the first order and they were accommodating while it cost me $4.80 to mail the part to their "Free" :rolleyes: return drop off site (25 miles away).

My final feel good move was to write a review on amazon, where I could attach the photo of the clearly faulty part. I wrapped the review in good advice and compliments for Amazon, so maybe they would run it. I know from experience they don't publish photos of parts broken in shipping.

amazon said:
Verified Purchase
This price is a very good value. I have seen these for sale as high as $85. My mistake was to remove my instrument cluster and have my dashboard all torn apart, before checking the parts. My bad.
Amazon has been accommodating and offered me a full refund. It took me another week to get a good part. Perhaps you can learn from my mistake. The repair was relatively easy once I got good parts in hand (I found a youtube video). Apparently this is common failure with the OEM gears disintegrating over time.

link to review

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