Thanks for that. You dont seem that enamoured with your unit.
Get yourself a Daven for the unit - it definitely will help you using it.
I have them on almost all my tube stuff.
You are probably not really driivng the unit for much compression having the input down so low. With a pad you can really drive the input and hear more of the character of the unit.
Hehe, sorry if I came across a bit down on the unit, certainly wasn't intended. Must've just had a case of Monday-itis :razz: On the contrary, I quite like the unit despite it's foibles. It's pretty much permanently patched into one channel of my G9 for bass DI duties when laying down demos and such.
Surely the 1uf cap can be kept and the 2M resistor can be made smaller to make the release time shorter? Or am I missing something?
Making the 2 meg resistor too small will mess with the biasing and gain control of the input stage. It needs to be large to prevent loading the sidechain with the input stage. Experiment and see what you can get away with.
Did you end up winding the heaters with a balanced configuration / centre tap to ground like most other units? There seems no reason why it should be wired unbalanced.
I think the power transformer I used had a centre-tapped heater winding (3.15-0-3.15), so I just earthed the centre tap. Although from memory I don't think it made much difference to the hum level if I ran the CT earthed or not.