FEELER: LA-3A - Dual Mono/Stereo 2U Design (AKA The SA-3A) - PAGE 6 TO PRE-ORDER

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Alright, so I'm almost done pricing out the component kits.  I'm thinking let's get crazy here - there's only 4 film caps in the thing - so I say orange drops for all 4?  Adds a few bucks and there's no bulk discount on them, but they're as good as it gets so..... About to start on the resistors.  Power supply/dropping resistors need to be 1%, so metal film there.  Unless anyone has objections though, I'm thinking to do it all 1/4W carbon comp in the sidecahin/audio channel.  I have doubts it'll make any difference, but original unit used carbon comps so surely won't hurt, and alot of you guys seem partial to the carbon comps so....  Their more pricey than metal films, and not anywhere near the bulk discount on them compared to what you see with the films, but I don't care about that.  What matters to me the most is everyone's units sounding the best they can.  Votes anyone?
I'd rather not have carbon comps in a kit personally.
I think they'll just add hiss to this circuit with no sweet mojo. (I could be wrong)

Someone mentioned the La2a & CC's.
I'm not sure of the voltages in the La2 but it's a tube compressor
so I'm assuming the voltages are higher & maybe worth it for CC's??

I'm with you on the orange drops. The carbon comps probably aren't necessary, I guess the guys that really want them can source themselves, and I'd like to hear a channel to know if it's even worth it. After reading that article I don't know. Hell, I probably won't even be able to tell, so I guess I'm fine with metal film. I'd rather have lower noise anyway.
Sold me on a kit too. Im more than fine with carbon comp but if you do a test and it just adds hiss with no mojo metal film is cool.

Riken cc resistors anyone  ;D :eek: :p
Neil said:
I'm with you on the orange drops. The carbon comps probably aren't necessary, I guess the guys that really want them can source themselves, and I'd like to hear a channel to know if it's even worth it. After reading that article I don't know. Hell, I probably won't even be able to tell, so I guess I'm fine with metal film. I'd rather have lower noise anyway.
I'm gonna sleep on it, will come to some kind of a decision tomorrow..  Will have to go one way or the other obviously.  Orange drop's are in the kit, that's a definate.
Btw is the consensus that there is definately nothing better than the orange drops without paying silly money? Looks like i'll finally need to buy a molex crimping tool.
TheGuitarist said:
Btw is the consensus that there is definately nothing better than the orange drops without paying silly money? Looks like i'll finally need to buy a molex crimping tool.

Yes.  And orange drops are well into audiophile territory anyways:)  Same with the Elna caps imo.  Guess that makes me as guilty as anyone ;D

Molex tool - I have one that I borrow from work.  But I can't always snag it so when I can't I just tin the wire and crimp it on with a pair of pliers.  Hit it with the solder iron real quick and it aint goin nowhere.
rrs said:
Well I can live without the CC resistors then but good choice for the caps being Elna and Orange Drops will see me in for the component kit for sure.

Yes, if you'll be doing that kind of components, I'm interested in a full component kit too.
Hello Ruckus,

im in for 2x pcbs, transformers, matched transistors, parts kits and - front panel - will a sifam r22 vu fit here?  i have some on hand..

great work - looks like a fun build.
Yeah, If the components are good I'd be interested in them. It would really help to get the unit up and running quick.

Also, we can tweak the components to taste.

OK, you guys are all offically a PITA LOL j/k.  ;D  Just pushed and shoved the layout to all hell, orange drops will now drop right in and completely clear surrounding components.  Man that was rough - those suckers are big - especially the .22uF in the audio path.

Going to go with metal film for the kits.  The resistors only account for a fraction of the cost, so you guys that want to tweak to carbon comp can without it really affecting the overall cost.  Most of the cost is in the caps/transistors/relays/connectors.  My prototype was done with metal films and it sounds awesome.  Just a recap and so there's no confusion, orange drops for the films across the board, small values will be Cornell Dubilier Mica's (no ceramics), the main audio path cap (470uF) will be an Elna Silmec II, the other electrolytics will be Panasonic FC.  Connectors will be molex crimp style, the bolt type connectors I used on the sb4k won't really work well for this design.

Final costs will be up shortly.  Preordering opens today.
Keeping an eye on this. I have a part-time job at an electronics parts supplier, so I can get my parts, oh, 'cheap'.  ;D
So I'm trying to decide how much of this I want you to provide and how much I want to bother with.
offramp said:
Keeping an eye on this. I have a part-time job at an electronics parts supplier, so I can get my parts, oh, 'cheap'.  ;D
So I'm trying to decide how much of this I want you to provide and how much I want to bother with.

Yea I would be too:)  Part kits of course are completely optional.