Chiming in here...
The items that are included here are the parts that originate from Europe -- the UTM transformers and inductors, and metalwork from Kevin at Link Audio Design. Since you are in Europe already, it would be counterproductive for you to order these pieces through Nielsk's group buy, since everything purchased through this will be shipped to the US, so you'd have to pay for him to ship it back to the EU, negating any cost benefit and also creating a longer delay until you receive them.
Instead, you can order the appropriate transformers and inductors directly from UTM when I publish the BOM (coming soon). For metalwork, you can either order from Frank's web shop, or you can order nicely discounted metalwork from Kevin when he reaches out about European shipping (see my PM to you from Saturday). As a side note, I did receive your payment for pcbs, thank you!
We've got lots of European builders participating in the project itself, but this particular group buy that Nielsk is arranging only makes sense for US builders to join, for the reasons stated above. If you wanted to start your own group buy to try to get a quantity discount on the UTM iron for builders within the EU, I imagine you'd have some enthusiastic compatriots, but it's up to you if the effort is worth the discount.