Igor's high quality projects. Store closed, stuff shipped. A crazy idea - pg83.

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bobine said:
Hi Igor...  I paid for one set of stereo Sontec boards on Feb 12.

Boards arrived today...and they are beautiful!


@dmp: please pm me your shipping address to get tracking Nr.

@bobine: enjoy:)
(absolutely agree about boards, simply.....don't stock unbeautiful boards ;)
I'd like to make a request for parts kits for the neve make up boards for the Helios 69 project... Is it possible?

Peace, Jim
@Jim50hertz: sorry, can't make the kits for the makeup boards.
@Johndcx: 3 stereo kits with StPatrick offer are still available :)
hey igor - i just sent you payment for the following:

2 x 2254C single channel PCB set
2 x 69EQ sigle channel PCB set
2 x universal input pcb
2 x MAKE-UP PCB (BA-283)
4 x MAKE-UP PCB (He**os)

thanks a million  ;D

hey Igor,

Payment sent for 69 EQ:

1 Stereo Kit
1 PSU Board
2 Neve MakeUp Boards

Let us know when you start shipping kits.


Hi Igor, i emailed you regarding a missing PS board from my 2254c stereo kit but i thought i would post on the forum too. I had paid for the 2254c stereo kit and then sent through payment shortly after to add a PS board on to the order and you wrote this just after:
Igor said:
Received; PM'ed; PS added to 2254C kit.

I received the package a week ago and just started the build but have noticed that there is no PS board. could you please PM or email me to work this out. Thanks

well it's been 20 days since I've sent  the payment and I have not received any news from you about the shipment.

I have eMailed to your personal eMail, I have sent PM's to you here, and I've posted on this thread.

I guess you did not get the payment, because I can't possibly imagine why you would not communicate with someone at all, once you received the money. My PayPal transaction definitely shows your PayPal address.

I will contact PayPal, to sort it out. I see another active buyer with a current issue, so perhaps something is wrong, and is preventing you from doing business on the white market.

In any case, I have to proceed as if this transaction is not going to happen. Too bad, cause now I've spent hundreds on getting parts to build a 2254C, and I have no PCB. I you could try to reply with a 'yes it is shipped' or send me a tracking number, that is all I ask.
Hello envelope sorry for getting into your discussion, i just wanted to inform you that, i've had a hard time getting in touch with Igor also, i didn't have any issues with orders but wanted to hav an advice, and i've emailed directly, and he replied about a week or two after, and that only when he was actually back in prodigy to get in touch with people, he told me that he had absolutely no access to work PC so i think you're having the same problem here, and he seem to have a lot of work in progress, with projects, special orders etc..., well you've been patient that's for sure, but i'm sure when he'll get the mail, he will sort it out and you'll get your board, anyway good luck  ;) :)
envelope said:
well it's been 20 days since I've sent  the payment and I have not received any news from you about the shipment.

My shipment took 28 days.  Fair warning in the first post:

From the other side, we can't spent too much time on this, sorry.
Sometimes, we overloaded with work...please allow some days
to answer e-mails etc.

Usually, kits/pcb's sent once a week, or when we have more then 10 orders to ship.
Please allow up to 7 days after you paying to ship the order.

Usually, the parcels are sent by regular registered airmail.
Not fastest, but sure delivery (for last 3 years, no lost packages at all).
About 0.5% of packages can be returned by reasons like wrong address or
people simply forgot to pick them up at post office.

Delivery time: 7-25 days, normally, about two weeks.
If more than 3 weeks passed from time you paid the order and it is not received,
feel free to send PM with tracking Nr. request.
Hi guys!
I was busy last days, sorry for delay with reply.
Regarding the shipping.
From my experience it takes between a week and 40 days to receive
the package sent from Israel in US. I really don't know why.
From some hundreds of packages, sent for last 2 years,
there were NO any lost packages, but sometimes people simply
forgot to pick up the packages at the post office or
gave me wrong address, sometimes paypal and shipping address
were different and I had to guess where to send, etc etc.
@Envelope: your package was sent about 10 days ago,
let me find tracking nr etc tomorrow.
I expect to get "received" message from you at first half of April.

And not very good news, Helios PCB's shipping will be delayed for about a week-
manufacturer mailed me the factory at the holydays now, and there will be delay..

Good news, I already received stereo Sontec PCB's and will ship them next week.
Hi Igor,
I sent payment about 45 days ago and have seen nor heard a thing. I paid paypal with a confirmed address.
Hi guys!
As sometimes I simply can't take care of shipping every week,
please read update to first post.
Shipping will be done twice at month at least, and please allow delivery time up to
45 days from time order was placed.
Usually, it goes next way: I ship 3-4 times at month, some days packages
stacked at post office, than regular registered airmail takes to arrive 5-30 days.
If you like to receive the package within 3-5 business days, there's EMS option,
not cheap but shure on-time. Please contact me before to get confirmation and EMS
shipping price.