Igor's high quality projects. Store closed, stuff shipped. A crazy idea - pg83.

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Hi Igor,

Yep just wanted to make sure as I was under the impression this was a limited run.

Payment now made for 2 Sontec pcb stereo sets.

Sorry still no news from Alphastat, they seem to be pretty fast for saying no prob can buy directly, but when asking price, there's nobody, i've sended one again will see, Dagoose told me by PM that he had his on musikding.de but it seems they dont have that no more, hope getting these will not be too problematic when building. Alphastat pots come from China, so maybe big delay in productions...
That's what i wanted to do Igor, but seems they only have an email on their website, that for me is a sign of, we are in China, don't take direct calls  :)
zayance said:
That's what i wanted to do Igor, but seems they only have an email on their website, that for me is a sign of, we are in China, don't take direct calls  :)

It's a German distributor. I've had to deal with them a few times. They are EXTREMELY slow and unresponsive for orders outside Germany. And they do have a phone number on their website. Best thing to so is to get someone German in Germany to deal with this guy and handle the order. Phone will definitely work best. http://www.alphastat.de/impressum.html
It can be good to order these pots direct from China, if somebody knows how-to...
please leave the link :)
I hope Alphastat will improve their service in future.
Nice, didn't find that link, i'll call and if it doesn't pass, then i can still see with my cousin in Munich to try to make the deal, but don't want to bother too much, calling right now....
Ok, got Mr Kirchhoff on the phone, nice guy anyway, ok here are the pricings, concerning the 41/41 Clicks they don't have it in stock, but they could manufacture them, but they would have to take two pots to make one, and so the price, forget it, about 12 to 15 euros exl.VAT for each, no way.
Why? Because of course all their stuff is made in China, and they'll do 1000 pcs if they have to manufacture so.... Bye bye 41 clicks, no prob.
Now concerning the 2207 and 4196, here are the prices for:

10 pieces:
2207  3.92E  (4.66E incl.VAT) each
4196  6.57E  (7.81E incl.VAT) each

100 Pieces:
2207  2E  (2.38E incl.VAT) each
4196  3E  (3.57E incl.VAT) each

Shipping to France is 17.85E incl.VAT

So the best way to go is group buy, that's obvious, the prob is that i could handle it but i don't know if this will be very interesting in terms of shipping from France, it's still about 600E to put upfront, can do it but i'll have to check the shipping details, but Igor, would you still be interested to manage this if not? I know you're pretty busy but because you've said that in a older post  ??? I'll just check on my side for the shipping outside and inside EU just to know, and we could compare??? This will not be heavy package but still have to put a little insurance because small packages could get lost easely...
Anyway do your best i'll do my best, because i'm sure there is 10 people interested in these pots so....
2207 price is 3,50 Euro
  4196 price is 5,90 Euro

  Based on that quantity:
  Inside EU we charge  aditional VAT of 19 % and shipping expences of 30 Euro if payment is in Euro    
  without any charges to us.
  Due to bank charges and shiping expences we charge 100 euro outside EU.
  Shipment inside EU by DPD, outside EU by DHL standard ( up to two til three weeks)
  Payment in advance.

Based on Yosh's mail, seems like the prices fluctuates, Mr Kirchhoff got me the price looking to his computer (i had to wait until he started the computer on the phone), or his TV set  :), just kidding, he maybe done some changes because of US customer, anyway i'll still check postage costs from France etc.. i'm curious
Ok i have a price for the shipping from France, i tought these were for if you have a company but seems to be the same for individuals....
The prices i give are the ones for shipping goods unsecured and untrackable and also the prices for the full secured, yes i know untrackable is the risky way but it's the cheapest here, but i just post the prices for people to see if you're interested and if there is demand! At least 10 people, if yes, then why not i could manage the group buy, would like to help out Prodigy people if i can, i'll like to get these pots also and maybe Igor will be busy with the 69 project and other things he is up to, but if Igor is cheaper, and could manage it, then perfect and i'll be on the list:
Don't know the overall weight of the knobs, but i don't think this will be more than a Kg  :p, i went for that on the price, just for having the max, could be cheaper of 1 or 2 euros if it's between 500gr, and 1kg. I know knobs are lightweight, but when i'll pack them, then this will add up, since i like things to be packed in good condition.
I'll have to put them in a square cardboard box for you guys, if this happens, so it's at least secured against cruches  :) and from throwing the package, this will add to the price not much i think, well at least if you would like it to be packed like this, could be also bubbled letter but i'm sure the prices could be pretty much the same.

For US, and whitin a week delivery for let's say a kilogramme:
about 12 Euros for unsecured / untrackable
about 22.5 Euros for full secured / trackable and insured

Europe, within a week delivery:
about 7.5E for unsecured / untrackable
about 8 to 12E for at least Trackable
about 16E to 20E for full secured etc.... that's crazy (vive la France  :) )

Well that's the best here in France, but at least we have price range, for who's interested in a Alphastat Group buy...
What do you think Igor, can you have good price for at least trackable and insured, will it be cheaper in Israel?
Please let us know. Thanks a lot.
Jim50hertz said:
Hi Igor

One Stereo Kit
PSU board
2 x Bypass boards
2 x Neve Make ups




Thanks for the PM on the St Pat's special... Send me a final price/paypal invoice and I'll pay straight away :)
Hey Igor.  Send me a PayPal invoice for the following

- 1 stereo kit
- 1 psu board
- 2 neve makeup boards


Hi Igor

Just sent payment for

One Stereo Kit (Helios 69 Eq)
PSU board
2 x Bypass boards
2 x Neve Make ups



Hi Igor, give me the total amout for:
1 Stereo Kit
1 PSU Board
2 Neve MakeUp Boards

Still waiting for an order placed Feb 14th... any issues with this, or still on it's way?