MixBuzz1: full-featured 1RU bus compressor. Pre-orders : pls update, page 6.

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warpie said:
Nothing much, just filtered IEC socket like this:

or all in one:

there must be cheaper options, just look around.

or here

this shop have a good price and nice communication

thanks guys!
Just out of curiosity, how is the filtering achieved?
I mean, is it worth it?

Look at one of the PDF's of the links attached, you'll see how it's made.
Is it worth it? hmm, i'd say yes because there is a lot of junk passing thru your mains.
just a little copy paste of something about it, if you're curious?
As remarked above, any action devoted to improve the quality of the mains does have some effect on the overall performance of any HiFi system. A simple anti-RFI filetr is just the first and effective step: how much this filter can improve the performance of a given component is very hard to tell since much of this depends on the quality of the mains into your home.
Sometimes the results are outstanding, other times are just slightly audible. Of course, everything depends also on the level of transparency of your system: don't expect unbelievable improvements if your HiFi system isn't correctly installed and already optimized.
I can tell you what these filters have done to my (many :)) HiFi components.
First of all I've tried one of these sockets with my TV set: I always experienced the annoying presence of nasty noises and horizontal rows when someone was using another electrical appliance at home, such as hair blowers or vacuum cleaners. Everything disappered as soon as the filter was installed, so effectively that I was ready for the big jump: if these devices are so effective with the TV, what could they do to my HiFi?
I had a problem with my HiFi systems: they sounded different depending on the hours of the day. The filter has almost totally solved this annoying problem and now I can listen to my fav Music at any hour of the day.
Now the bass range is slightly deeper and the image better focused and realistic. Nothing that will make you stand up and applause but...yet something clearly audible.
You can use these filters with your CD player, D/A converter, turntable and with the preamplifier. Using these with an amplifier or power amplifier should be carefully evaluated before installing.
If the HiFi component you want to filter doesn't have an IEC socket (that is, a detachable power cord) you can always drill a hole in the cabinet (voiding the warranty, of course!) and install the new filtered socket. Obviously enough you'll need an IEC plug terminated power cable.
OK than...

Taking pre-orders!!!

Again, to concentrate all info in one post; most of q's
were already answered at pg.4,5,6 of this thread:

There will be a single run of 50 pcb sets and 20-25 kit sets.
Basic parts kit will include everything to bulld kinda improved GSSL+turbo compressor.
All resistors/diodes/capacitors/IC's/Lorlin switches/relays/pots/
4x THAT2181B VCA's/all power supply parts. Molex connectors will be included.
SC filters (all parts+Lorlin switch +ribbon cables, connectors)
MIX, or C&B (all parts + dual 10k pot+Mogami shielded cable)
LED meter (all parts, THAT2252, 4x 10-led bargraphs).
Meters are not coming with kits. Hairball audio.
Toroidal power transformer are not coming with kits.
Knobs,IEC socket, power switch are not supplied too.

EAO lenses with engraving : MIX, SC MONO, COMP IN, POWER: for free on request with PCB's.
Please let me know which lenses you need. I have about 80 of EAO lenses and
if you need only 2 lenses, let's let another member to get them.

Front panels: there are about 20 people interested...
Update: stereokillah found a way to make really cool looking fronts.
If I understood correct, different designs for fronts possible, this never was offered before.
In other words, say no to all same boring look panels!
I think, we have to check this option.....

And, another option for fronts/cases:

The pricing for 20-25 kits comes a bit higher than I thought, anyway,
it is still in good range. Great quality components will be used.
The kits will be done in "logical" way, i.e. all resistors for
control part in one bag; all power supply bypass caps in another bag;
another bag for audio capacitors, etc.

PCB's/kits pricing.

PCB set USD60
Basic kit add USD210
SC filters add USD35
MIX, or C&B add USD40
LED meter: add USD55
Soundpath upgrade to 2xOPA604+6xTHAT2181B: add USD62
Shipping and paypal fees included.

All profit from PCB's will be donated to this forum.

PCB's and kits have to be pre-ordered.
Shipping-around 15th November.

It is OK to pay from now.

Here is the orders list.

You can add your name for kits/PCB's till October 20th.

Benny 1x pcbs set + Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter
Holger-1 pcb set
funball2-5pcb sets
briomusic 4x pcbs set + 1x Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter
baadc0de 1x pcbs set + Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter/Soundpath upgrade
Infernal_Death 1 PCB set
zayance 1x pcbs set
benlindell 3x pcbs set
detonator 1 PCB Set
waldorfcave 1x pcbs set + Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter/Soundpath upgrade
Entropia Cub 1x pcbs set + Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter/Soundpath upgrade
dk329 one pcb set
stereokillah 1x pcbs set + Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter/Soundpath upgrade
evilcat 1x pcbs set
reddwarf 1x pcbs set + Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter/Soundpath upgrade
Purup 2 PCBs.
DanH  1x pcbs set + Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter/Soundpath upgrade
kml23956 1x pcbs set + Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter/Soundpath upgrade
mata_haze ONE f1x pcbs set + Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/Soundpath upgrade
Winetree 1x pcbs set + Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter/Soundpath upgrade
SKJGProject 1x pcbs set + Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter/Soundpath upgrade
jandoste 1x pcbs set + Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter/Soundpath upgrade
Gec 1 x pcbs set + Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter/Soundpath upgrade +FP (?)
chefducuisine 1x PCB set + Basic kit/C&B/ Soundpath upgrade
Entropia Cub 1x pcbs set + Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter/Soundpath upgrade
marko 2x pcbs sets
pacemaker 3PCBs set, 1 Basic kit and 1 SC filter + 3 lenses sets
tomcat 2 pcbs + 2 set of lenses please (SC MONO, COMP IN, POWER)

JeffHenneman 1 PCB set+Basic kit+SC filters+MIX, or C&B+LED meter+Soundpath upgrade
AW_music1xPCB set+ Basic kit+ SC filters+ MIX, or C&B+ LED meter+Soundpath upgrade
Hi Igor,

1xPCB,1x basic kit,1x SC filter,1x Mix,1x Led meter,1x Sound path upgrade Paypaled.

Did you received it?
Hi Igor,
I would like to change my order to:
briomusic 4x pcbs set + 1x Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter
if possible.
I am just waiting for my transfer to paypal and can pay you later this week, if this order is ok.
Hi Igor !
I confirm for 1x pcbs set + Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter/Soundpath upgrade. No front panel or case. I'll paypaled you tomorrow ! Thanks.

Orders are updated.
@KrIVIUM2323, jandoste: received, thus green.
Yep, J-P Sartre avatar reflects my state of mind last time :)
+FP(?) means: trying to do my best to make small qty of fronts.
We need at least 30-35 front panel orders to proceed with fronts.
If you don't need 2x20 led bar-graph...
Why not order the front or whole case from Pete, Dan, Pur* ?
MixBuzz1 fits into virtually any case, which I saw.
If you like 2x20-led bar-graph option, download CDR's-
the link is posted in this thread, and order yours from Pete or FPD....

Regarding the payment deadline: for me , it is most important to know
exact qty' of orders. If somebody will pay some days later, it is OK.
Killah, no prob at all, I will hold a pair of pcb's for you even for a year! :)
A little question: if I send you pre-drilled fronts, can you print them accurately?
If you can offer this kinda service....we can move from dead point with fronts!
Igor said:
Killah, no prob at all, I will hold a pair of pcb's for you even for a year! :)
A little question: if I send you pre-drilled fronts, can you print them accurately?
If you can offer this kinda service....we can move from dead point with fronts!

thank Igor

for the panels the answer is yes the expensive question is the shipping from france, because of the size i can sent it by letter but by like box and for th destination out of europe the shipping should be around 24 euros.
or sent you directly should be better

i'm actually working on panels support in plexi for 5 fronts 1U 483 x 44 mm on the same support.

so i can make full feat. and simple in same time for same price, after calibrating the maching i don't need matrix
Hi Igor,

Gec 1 x pcbs set + Basic kit/SC filters/C&B/LED meter/Soundpath upgrade

+ 1 FPanel when/if possible!!!  Thanx, Gec
stereokillah said:
Igor said:
Killah, no prob at all, I will hold a pair of pcb's for you even for a year! :)
A little question: if I send you pre-drilled fronts, can you print them accurately?
If you can offer this kinda service....we can move from dead point with fronts!

thank Igor

for the panels the answer is yes the expensive question is the shipping from france, because of the size i can sent it by letter but by like box and for th destination out of europe the shipping should be around 24 euros.
or sent you directly should be better

i'm actually working on panels support in plexi for 5 fronts 1U 483 x 44 mm on the same support.

so i can make full feat. and simple in same time for same price, after calibrating the maching i don't need matrix
Stereo, can you post up a pic of the case and fronts you will sell for this build, how many holes at the back and will it cater for the full featured version. Also price shipped to Australia?
