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Let me know when you know :)
I think id like to take one take a kit or two to.  A kit with all the pcb parts and the parts for the BONE SCT700 psu modification would be great!!
TheGuitarist said:
Are you going to team up with Skylar on this one?

He should, I found this thread trying to see if anyone was making a PCB for an M7 style mic. lol... I originally wanted to do the G7 and stick it in skylar's body, but it's a pain to make the PCB... Unless has anyone made a white market PCB available for the G7?

it should be no problem to mount the mk7 set into skylars mic bodies, plenty of space.
i am designing a mic body which i want to manufacture here localy, but thats just a plan for now.
jdbakker said:
speakercoil said:
Unless has anyone made a white market PCB available for the G7?


YAY!!!!!! or should I say ****!!!!! Because now I will probably want 4 of Skylar's bodies... two for a pair of G-7's and two for this MK7... :( Man... I hate it when people cost me more money through good projects... I swear one day I will end up a crazy homeless guy with a bunch of really nice recording gear, but no outlet to plug any of it into...
i will have the first small batch of 15 sets available in two weeks. more sets will follow soon after that.
sets will be the same as pictured in the first post of this thread, pcb+transformer+glass tubes.
introductory pricing will be 149 euro.
Well count me in for two for that sort of pricing! I don't mind if i'm on the second batch if there are people ahead of me.
gevermil said:
How close is your new transformer to your original creation ?

i experimented a lot with annealing / final heat&magnetic treatment to achieve the identical magnetic parameters.
pics of the new bv7 transformer will follow soon, the pcb stays the same.
Btw just confirming, this is for a kit that only has the parts as you said, no pcb parts like suggested in the first post right? And no capsule yeah?  And just checking, will any tube mic psu work or does it need to be that specific one off the build thread.
yes - i´m not so sure about the extended set with parts etc. because there wasnt so much interest.
the psu - you really should use the mk7 psu, since many problems occured with the modded psu.