thanks for the pics.
It is impossible for me to recognize anything in your build.
All I see is a massive bunch of colored thick wires and some bad solder joints (too much solder).
You should bring the eq back to life first.That means no modifications and no add-ons!!!
I see you have a nice JLM psu there.Good.
To sort things out:
Remove everything that does´t belong to the eq per default,so the additional filter board and the relays board should (temporarily) be disconnected.
Next step is -as you can imagine now- set it up with just the psu directly hooked up to the eq board.Nothing in between.
Do not forget the 0v connection from the JLM psu to the eq.
Without any ics inserted measure pins 8 and 4 with reference to ground.You should get +/- 15 vdc there.
If all is good insert the ics and check if the unit passes audio.
If it does´t then you´ll have to trace through the circuit.
Generally -as always- give the board a good visual inspection (parts in correct position,correct values,solder joints etc.) first.
As you have the pots off-board you should definitely check your wiring.
Best regards,