Hi folks. I need a little help troubleshooting my W492s. I built two of them and all tested well at first. But now I can't figure out what is wrong.
I'm using a SSL9K PSU board fitted with 7815/7915 (left out components of the 48v rail). PowerTX is a 50VA,2x15V toroid. I've used this board for my Fetboys and my 312s which all work great.
Well, strange thing on this unit is that sometimes my 7815 output voltage is 0.8V. Seems totally random, sometimes when I power up the EQs I get the correct voltages and all is fine, the next time it's dead. Then when 0.8V at the output of the reg, there's still fine voltages both the negative rail and before regulation on the positive rail.. I've never seen the 0.8V output without load though..
I've tried swapping out the 7815 - no luck.
Changed the ceramic (100n) on the +15V output rail - no luck.
I've tried powering only one of the EQ boards - same thing, both channels...
Clue anyone?
The unit was in the "dead state" just now, and I accidentally shorted the input of the 7815 to ground with my probe - and suddenly the unit came alive

What's going on? Next power up - WORKS - then WORKS again - then DEAD... aaarghhh