Not everyone wants to use UTC transformers, and not everyone wants to use those... -not everyone can find or AFFORD them! In the BLOO version this was addressed by making separate 'adaptor plates' for each transformer type. -This is technically possible again, but I wonder if people will want to go to the extra expense...
In addition, the front panel METER is another problem. The original meter was a Beede, but they no longer supply in quantities under a thousand (at over $100 each, that's a $100,000 investment which I know we can't make!) -The best meter that you can easily get is a Sifam, but the Sifam which fits the Beede-sized hole is too deep for the inside of the LA-2a body, and collides with the turret board when you shut the front panel. There is a HOYT option, but their meters simply do not read accurately... -Sure, they fit the hole and look alright, but I don't like them