I find that one of the problems with these discussions is some get very specific with the language used and yet they no knowledge of the meaning of the words. Also words are used very differently by different people.
... and claim PT has very big problems with the math..so much it ***** up audio..
Unless people use maths as a language to explain this statement the discussion ends up going around and around in circles.
My father is a mathematician and I have been privaledged to witness very deep discussions with people of great knowledge. It is not possible for me to explain in detail because much of this is well beyond my core knowledge.
If you were project leader and had Gearge M on one side saying 'NO TRANSFORMERS please' and most of this forum saying ' The sound is IN the Iron'.
What do you do ?
People say CORRECT maths. Years ago the Fairlight people chose to break the rules a little and ended up with what many people thought was a better sounding product.
The Digi people may well have chosen to go with correct maths ... with all the consequences. I'm not convinced of an inherit problem with Fade or Bounce to disk.
I have had sessions given to me that took a great deal of effort to repair and get sounding right. Even though there are no red lights on PT there can still be problems.
There can also be problems with the way people use hardware mixing desks as well. The difference is that to own PT is cheap and to own 64 tracks of analog and the effects to go with it is very expensive. Usually only experienced people play with the later.
Some analog boys will have a go at me here. They have experience but still don't like PT. I've spent many a free session with some of them to show some of the fundamentals issues that get overlooked.
Such a difficult subject matter for a forum
and yes it has been tried many times before and will do so long into the future.
PCM will be replaced eventually and we can start all over again.