STA-Level type case to suit Bernbrue's PCB's - Feeler and Forum input * PICS *

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Kid Squid

Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
Port Toilet, South Wales
Hi All,
I'm currently waiting on my metalwork guy to get back to me with prices on these -

They are 185mm Deep internally to suit Bernd's STA-Level PCB's

Now, if any of you have constructive input as to what you'd prefer - blank or holes ready cut out, preferences as to where you'd like transformer / IEC inlet mounting etc, front plate designs, colour of powder coating if away !!!
Hi Steve,
It  makes sense to have cutouts for iec inlets with fuse holder. The snap in version is not very solid. I'd prefer to have it mounted with screws, preferably on the far right hand sight ( seen from frontpanel)

Cutouts for XLR in/out  would be nice as well. There are various sizes/types. Which one should we take?
They should be on top of each other  (top and bottom left hand side).  Holes for the stereo link ( I used a standard 6,5 mm jack) could be provided just between the XLRs (mid left side)

trim pot for tube balance (10mm) and test pushbutton switch (7mm) could be mounted on the backpanel as well, preferably centre position.

Concerning input/output/power transformers other opinions are welcome.


Hi Bernd,
I agree with you fully on the IEC inlet, for safety and aesthetics it is far better to go for the mounting hole type of inlet.
regarding the XLR I/O, I'd prefer to do the cutouts for the Neutrik 'D' type, justfor the standard-ness of them !

The tube balance pot, I'd prefer to go with the screwdriver adjust type of pot, ala the LA2a, and mounting the test button with the balance pot on the vertical and horizontal centre line is no problem to do.
I can get the screwdriver adjust type pots from a local supplier if anyone else needs them too.

I'm going to probably mount my transformers off the back externally, Just so its gives a little extra room internally, but I have no problems with input / reccommendations from others. In fact, I absolutely encourage it !!!

I'll be using the Sowter transformers just because I got them here :)

Push  button switch is nc type (normally closed)., which should be mounted close to the trim pot (screwdriver LA2a type 100R) .When people mount your great power tx on the backpanel, there is plenty of space for the psu to be mounted on the right side panel together with the small bias psu.


The guy is Frank, he powder coated panel, screws  and rack ears and engraved the frontpanel. It's the design I published in the build thread. Tubes don't get too hot.
After a bit of thinking, I've decided to re-do the cases.
1. It will ease manufacture - the depth (185mm) could prove tricky with the CNC brake press regarding the internal folds.
2. The previous case had a fixed top and bottom - this could prove tricky with mounting and testing.
3. The new cases look a whole lot nicer !!!  ;)

Here's an exploded view ( take no notice of the back mitre folds, I've just tidied them up but havent got time for the render this evening !)

I'm liking this style more to be honest.
Good news !
I should be getting the prototype back in the next 7-9 days, then dependant on how many people want one I'll get the prices to suit.
they will be finished in RAL7000, but no silkscreening or cut outs as yet.


In the original STA Level I think the piano hinge is mounted below the bottom  panel  but your exploded view shows the hinge mounted above the bottom cover - it will be great if you check that
Hi Chaps,
Well the prototype cases have arrived, and they are absolutely naffin' brilliant :)
I've already amended the fine details - front panel mounting holes ( which will now be countersunk and PEMserted), and the hole radius for the rack mount slots ( for some reason they came back with the proper slot width, but the finish radii was somehow smaller ??)
I'm going to see my silkscreener this week for a price on the finished fronts, as well as amending the drawings for front panel mounting - meter, knobs, switches etc.
regarding the rear, I've left them blank at present, but I will be updating the drawings to suit my transformer setup, but also, I'll do a generic type rear - IEC inlet, XLR I/O, link jack and balance switch ( I'll probably mount mine internally though)

Any input is welcome.

Not long now chaps !!!
heres the pics ;)
