I see that the Takstar CM-60 is a favorite body for the mm5 3U Audio capsule. I am wondering about the noise with this combo, and of course the general performance.
Context: I am specifically looking for a budget supercardiod SDC for filmmaking. A true super seems hard to come by for a low price, so the 3U Audio hyper appears to be a good fit for the budget. I already have the Oktava MK-012 hyper, and I like it, but it's right on the edge of quiet enough I'd say. Perhaps more importantly I need to order a decent number of these for a school film class--i.e., acquiring several Oktava's could get pricey.
Context: I am specifically looking for a budget supercardiod SDC for filmmaking. A true super seems hard to come by for a low price, so the 3U Audio hyper appears to be a good fit for the budget. I already have the Oktava MK-012 hyper, and I like it, but it's right on the edge of quiet enough I'd say. Perhaps more importantly I need to order a decent number of these for a school film class--i.e., acquiring several Oktava's could get pricey.