CM-63 schematic can be found in the MicBuilders group when you open the link provided by bfbii in post #15.
Expecting to receive a CM-60 and CM-63 in a few weeks from now. I can take some noise and FR measurements, if anyone else hasn't shared them in the meantime. Would be interesting to compare with an AKG P170, which is most likely also made by Takstar, but having an AKG pricetag. Some pictures of the P170 attached. Much better build quality compared to MXL 603/604.
I am curious why you say it is likely the AKG P170 is manufactured by Takstar? The CM-60 and CM-63 have multiple design/appearance differences from the P170, which suggests the P170 is made by another outfit. Moreover, AKG is a long-established, once Austrian based, manufacturer, so I anticipate it had its own, or used another, perhaps older manufacturing plant. Are there independent reasons that suggest a manufacturing connection?
Sidebar Comment - I purchased my Takstar CM-60 for a mere $27 (including shipping) and consider it an exceptional value. The CM-63 typically costs between $42 and $50, which appears to be a good value. It is not the best microphone in my shack, yet surely good value for the money. I am sorry I did not get in on the recent U3 capsule group buy!
Happy trails to y'all. James