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Peacefully give up your worldly possessions in that instance. The world is not that scary, even if your media sources tell you it is. Of someone is truly deranged, they don't want your possessions and you are on the defense, you don't stand much of a chance anyway. If I were crazy and armed and you pulled a gun, I'd light you up before you could point it at me. You are again indirectly making a case against the need for police.
It isn't your choice to make for me. Are you denying my lived experience? You're welcome to beg for mercy, I won't.
Two different issues. Alcohol is worse than any of the "drugs" you and your media sources demonize.
No, no it isn't. Look at the black box warnings on SSRIs. Why are we medicating 25% of our population with these and other big pharma drugs?

edit: Republican voting for Capitalism, lack of regulations and allowing corporations to fund campaigns as "free speech" are what caused the opioid epidemic in this country. Indisputable. Keep peddling "freedom".
Opioids are a problem, but that's not what I'm talking about in this case. Are all docs a bunch of GOPers looking for profits? Surely you jest.
Mexican army seized 1/2 ton of fentanyl in a Mexican warehouse, along with several tons of precursor chemicals.
Two men were caught in CA with 150,000 fentanyl pills. CA released them on their own recognizance. :rolleyes:
In a NYC bodega a worker defended himself by stabbing and killing the attacker. The DA sent him to Rikers (criminal prison). :unsure:
The inmates are running the asylum. :cool:

Mexican army seized 1/2 ton of fentanyl in a Mexican warehouse, along with several tons of precursor chemicals.
Two men were caught in CA with 150,000 fentanyl pills. CA released them on their own recognizance. :rolleyes:
In a NYC bodega a worker defended himself by stabbing and killing the attacker. The DA sent him to Rikers (criminal prison). :unsure:
The inmates are running the asylum. :cool:

That's not how our country works in general, or even for me for that matter. I admitted to having 2 grams of marijuana on me one time, the charge wasn't even acknowledged and I received a 1000 dollar fine and misdemeanor for drug paraphernalia for a 2 inch long pipe that I didn't even know I had on me. I attempted to stop full on child abuse one time and almost was arrested for public disturbance for yelling at the adults committing the offense. I received ass whoppings regularly as a child and know the difference. Police emptied 90 rounds into a black man and handcuffed him to send him to the morgue in Akron, Ohio. In Highland Park, IL, a white man who was enabled to shoot up a parade due to YOUR POLITICS, was peacefully apprehended with multiple weapons in his possession. Your anecdotal examples are poison. Keep up the tribalism.
That's not how our country works in general, or even for me for that matter. I admitted to having 2 grams of marijuana on me one time, the charge wasn't even acknowledged and I received a 1000 dollar fine and misdemeanor for drug paraphernalia for a 2 inch long pipe that I didn't even know I had on me. I attempted to stop full on child abuse one time and almost was arrested for public disturbance for yelling at the adults committing the offense. I received ass whoppings regularly as a child and know the difference. Police emptied 90 rounds into a black man and handcuffed him to send him to the morgue in Akron, Ohio. In Highland Park, IL, a white man who was enabled to shoot up a parade due to YOUR POLITICS, was peacefully apprehended with multiple weapons in his possession. Your anecdotal examples are poison. Keep up the tribalism.
And from my perspective your world view is poisonous. We are seeing two different movies play out (different personal filters).

Speaking of pot, WNBA star Griner pled guilty to having pot infused vape capsules while flying out of Russia, and could get 10 years in prison.


I wonder why everybody expects me to defend what half the country does/thinks? Rhetorical I don't really want an answer (still need that rhetorical emoticon).

Oh, so we can only be outraged by violent acts presumed to have been perpetrated by those we oppose politically? How logical.
I'm "outraged", just not by Democrats or Republicans in this instance. Seriously? No point made. No analogy to be made.

I feel like I'm arguing with a five year old who thinks they just "owned" me.

Edit: state Democrat policy that caused this. Post links not attached to tinfoil hat origami lessons.
One of my wife's 29 year old coworkers was shot dead at a local restaurant last night. Amazingly there seem to have been no witnesses. I should have given up my guns to prevent thuggery, right?
Democrat policies that enable thuggery to spread: defund police, blame police for all negative encounters, fail to enforce laws (including gun laws) in their crime-ridden districts, make more people dependent on welfare which erodes self-worth and helps destroy the traditional nuclear family with perverse incentives. I could go on.
Democrat policies that enable thuggery to spread: defund police, blame police for all negative encounters, fail to enforce laws (including gun laws) in their crime-ridden districts, make more people dependent on welfare which erodes self-worth and helps destroy the traditional nuclear family with perverse incentives. I could go on.
Please post examples with direct policy reference.
Illinois already has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, maybe they need stricter mental illness red flag capability. It seems like every one of these shooting tragedies reveals a pattern/profile of a disturbed individual. I agree that such individuals should not have guns. Apparently that is difficult to do, or it already would be done.

Isn't just wanting guns for the futile premise to defend yourself from your own elected government proof of insanity?

I mean, it should be quite clear even to the simplest of minds that owning an object that can only be used to kill could only end bad.
Isn't just wanting guns for the futile premise to defend yourself from your own elected government proof of insanity?
Futile? No, futile is giving up and expecting good to come when the only guns belong to those who rule over you. One only need examine the 100M democides committed during the 20th century alone to understand the risk. China, Germany, USSR, North Korea, Cambodia, Myanmar...

I mean, it should be quite clear even to the simplest of minds that owning an object that can only be used to kill could only end bad.
Really? We started this country (USA) by fighting for it. Did WWII "end bad" because of guns? The world isn't always a nice happy place. How naive can you be?

Even the simplest English words get spinned into the opposite.
incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.
"a futile attempt to keep fans from mounting the stage"

Nothing to do with "giving up". Just not producing the expected result.

And what's a "democide"?

You also expect to resist your govt that has the largest arsenal in the world AND probaly the biggest spying operation on it's own citizens with some guns? How naive can you be?

Even the simplest English words get spinned into the opposite.

Nothing to do with "giving up". Just not producing the expected result.
I understand the word. What about the American Revolution and WWII? Were they bad outcomes?

And what's a "democide"?
look it up
You also expect to resist your govt that has the largest arsenal in the world AND probaly the biggest spying operation on it's own citizens with some guns? How naive can you be?
Despite what Eric Swallwell thinks, that isn't how things work.
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